will tell


“The arrow can’t be shot forward if it isn’t first pulled back”

I saw this quote on Facebook and it made me think about a few things in my life that have been undergoing major change/progress/growth.

When I lived in Ohio, there was a spirit behind what I did that pushed me to put my best foot forward. Back then, I had such a drive and killer ambition to succeed that I wouldn’t let anything stand in my way. Countless all night work sessions would produce really amazing products, projects, and ideas. There was a certain element of heartbreak as I saw multiple ventures go through the ups, downs, and twists and turns along the road. However, I know that I was executing to the best of my ability and I had peace with the journey.

Growing older, I began to soften my work edge and discover the beauty behind friendships, relationships, and even my own family. It became a very integral part of my life, even at the detriment of work projects. I felt as if my priorities, stemming from the heart, were in order and perfectly in place.

However, there’s a certain thing as balance between what you do, what you love, who you are, and where you are going.

Often, these priorities are gauged and balanced based on the type of person you are and the ability you have to create this perfect and harmonious balance.

It’s one thing to have an identity crisis where you’re figuring out who you are. It’s another to have confidence in who you are, with the mindset of determination that you will accomplish what you’ve set out to do, who you want to be, and how you want to live. 

I’m fully confident in this. And the fact that it’s now time to put my hands to the plow is affirmation that the growth steps, work, and focus required to take on these goals is simply affirmation and confidence that they will happen.

At the present moment, I’m between floors on several aspects of my life – and I’m realizing what will turn the corner has to do directly with who I am as a person and how I operate. A healthy business can’t function if the owners neglect their health, much like a healthy relationship can’t function if the two participants don’t have their personal lives in order the way they need to operate. One can’t expect to drive very far if your fuel tank is on empty.

Filling up. I can’t step forward to the table if I haven’t been able to first develop myself and get my affairs in order with my home, work, personal, and personality.

I want to be a rock of stability. I want to have a passionate heart and mind that benefits the people, projects, and goals that I set myself to.

A man doesn’t build a tower without first considering the cost of doing so. In my life, I’ve built many towers – including a 105ft tower in Ohio!

Right now, I’m optimistically counting the cost of realizing this goal and putting my hands to the plow.

Featured Image From Deviantart

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