The pursuit of glory is far more rewarding than the threatening consequences keeping many from ever obtaining it. Chase with vigor and see that this city can too be your own!
Every day, my spirit leaps forward with great joy as I realize my fight is finally beginning to take shape; no longer am I, as Paul described, a man who beats the air with no aim. Rather, my battle approaches and I look forward to the field with anticipation. While the past presented great moments of lost wandering, the present shows each step is being planted with confidence and boldness in the LORD who guides, directs, and fights with those He loves. How great is this love! How powerful an ally we have in this life! The very thought if it brings great emotion, as the high value of such a gift reminds me that it is the purest of gifts, as my poor soul could never bring forth enough to ever pay such a great debt. His love is incredible.
As a father loves his children, so does our Heavenly Father love and cherish us. These past few months have taught me a very important lesson: Christianity is far from boring. In fact, it is the greatest fight one can ever engage in. Fight Club spoke of a lost generation of thirty-one year-old boys who had no idea what it was to be a real man. When I was a boy, this movie appealed to me as a way of finding purpose in a seemingly-meaningless existence. Now that the purpose of my life is beginning to show, I realize just how hollow the story is. Were I to meet Mr. Durden, I would have a few kind words of correction.
You see, the fight of our life does not come in the common moments. Rather, our fight comes from the daily discipline that must be accomplished in order that we may be prepared to face the many trials ahead of us. One can never enter the ring if they have not prepared properly. This is where we are, training and disciplining so that we may one day stand tall in the fight for glory. We have a great cloud of witnesses that is watching our every move; gasping with every slip and standing to their feet with every advance forward. We are in good company, friends.
LORD, You have truly been good to me. As You continue to develop and challenge me, I pray that you continue to press the weight downward on my back, so that it may be strengthened. Grant not an easy path, but one that requires pure faith and trust in Your voice. Provide me with the patience and stillness that I may hear Your voice in the chaos of a world that does not know You. May I be able to Love passionately, fight victoriously, and encourage and develop those to the left and to the right. Bless me not with sight, but with faith for the moments where I am blind.
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