There are instances in life where I find inspiration from looking at biblical heroes of the past who faced some of the most difficult situations humanly possible. Some of these individuals suffered countless torture and suffering for the pursuit of their faith. Others endured never-ending temptations and temporary luxuries that sought to distract them from their faith.
Sometimes it seems as if it would be nice to face an instance that would threaten my veyr life in order to identify whether or not I have the boldness to live this life as I’m supposed to. And yet, it’s almost easier to die for a cause then it is to live for it. I’d gladly take a bullet for a number of things; faith, family, friends, strangers. And yet, it’s the most difficult thing in the world to live a life that reflects this devotion. It breaks my heart to see moments of weakness where I am impatient with family and others. Fight Club says we hurt the ones we love. However, I don’t think it ought to be this way.
Heavenly Father,
LORD, it is with gratitude and humility that I come before You in the midst of all of the blessings You have bestowed upon me. My mind cannot put into words the level of thankfulness that is in my heart to know that You offer relationship to Your children, though we are infinitely distanced from obtaining the perfection You alone possess. I falter when trying to put into words the comfort and love that You’ve given me through daily intercession and constant conversation that we share. It is not my place to wonder why You even bother with an individual like me. My heart is flushed with gratitude.
You have provided a quiet space and presence of mind in even the most tumultuous situations where nothing appears to be capable of reaching peace. However, it’s only within the power of Your mighty Hand that all is made whole and perfect. Our shaky and frail hands must subside in order to let the work of the Master be evident and complete in our life. I willingly remove myself from the control of the life You have given to me and allow You to have complete control over the destiny You have set before me.
Father, You are the creator of all. Everything set before me is the result of Your perfect handiwork. Teach me to know, with my mind and with my heart, that it is only You who are the author and finisher of our destiny and future. Forgive me for trying to take control of my life in moments where my faith has run weak. Strengthen and fortify me during these moments so that Your glory may have more room to be displayed in my life.
You are the defender of the helpless, the defender of all; for we are no more better than even the most ‘weak’ amongst us on this earth when compared to the infinite perfection You bear. Our strengths vanish like smoke when Your mighty hand moves. If the very mountains cannot help but tremble when Your voice is heart, how much more will we frail humans crumble before Your feet? You alone are mighty and worthy of ALL praise, worship, and glory!
My heart leaps for joy when my mind is aligned with right thoughts of You, for You make the tears of our sorrow turn into the overflowing tears of blissful joy! Mighty is the LORD. Who can stand before Your holy authority?
You are EL-ELYON – the Most High God. What can stand before You without shrinking in the magnitude of Your glory? In the presence of the Most High, everything else is infinitely below Your mighty throne.
You are our MAGEN – The mighty Shield in which we rest behind. LORD, with You fighting the battles for us, whom can we fear or be afraid of? What enemy will stand before us that we cannot conquer through Your eternal strength? May we give You the glory and praise for ALL battles we have yet to fight that will be won in the power and might of Your name!
You are JEHOVAH-SABAOTH – The LORD of Hosts – It is You who commands the mighty army of Heavenly with whom there is no defeat, loss, or sorrow. You are the rock who protects us from the unseen forces which seek to kill us. Victory and praise are Yours alone!
You are JEHOVAH-SHALOM – The peace which You have so freely given to Your children. It is only through You that we find a resting peace and eternal contentment in knowing the path You have set before is has been ordained, masterfully created, and protected by You.
ABBA, I am just a child in the great magnitude of the world You have created. Foolishly, I have tried to fight battles which were not meant to be fought by me. You’ve been ever faithful in picking up the pieces of this life and sculpting it into the work You have intended. LORD, teach me to be forever broken, as that is the only way for You to complete those that You love.
Were it possible to express the Love that I have for You, I would write it. If it were possible to explain the sensation within my heart that comes from thinking upon Your might name, I would scream it to the sky, while coming no closer to describing the majesty that only You possess. You have been so faithful to those You love. If it will bring You glory and honor, draw me closer to Your heart and replace my broken heart with Your Heart, which can only be perfect and complete, as You alone are infinitely perfect.
Your Son,
Aaron Michael Plaat
Your Son,
Aaron Michael Plaat
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