This afternoon, I sat and had lunch with a good friend of mine. These days, good friends are hard to find; the type of people that love, accept and stay in touch with you over time.
During our conversation, he made a comment that really made me think about my life; he marveled at the amount of experiences I’ve had in my life, despite my financial resources.
I think there are a lot of things that compose a good life. In rare instances, physical objects serve as the ingredients. In my experience, I’ve found that life has given me a mixture of both good experiences and physical reminders of times – past and future – in my life.
For example, I will never forget two of my most painful tattoos, as well as the day I got them; remembering everything that I felt on those two days.
The first was a tattoo on my ribcage, which I received the day of my Dad’s funeral. I remember what I wore, the way I felt and how the stabbing pain on my ribcage felt better than the stabbing pain inside of it.
That was the first real knockout punch I had; losing my Dad. It took my years to find my feet, only to spend a few years numbing the pain.
The other tattoo was far more painful…
In Mexico, I got a hand poke tattoo (given one poke at a time, by hand) of a snake. As the artist wrapped the stencil around my arm, I noticed that she placed the head of the snake near the inside of my elbow…the place where they draw blood.
Now, I hate needles. I mean, I really hate the needles they give you at the doctor’s office. Tattoos? No problem. However, I knew this spot was going to feel like a few thousand blood draws, and I wasn’t sure if I could handle it.
I approved the placement.
That was the only tattoo I didn’t think I was going to be able to finish, due to the pain. Beyond the pain in my arm, I was also going through an incredibly turbulent period in my personal life, which was far more painful than the needle.
Whenever I see those tattoos, I remember the moments. Vividly.
When I’m still, I reflect on those moments, and the great distance I’ve come in my life since living them.
What a journey it has been.
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