This afternoon, I sat and had lunch with a good friend of mine. These

& help other people

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what you'll find here
there's something for everybody
Free. No gimmicks. No hooks to get you to pay. Just pure, unfiltered knowledge that will help you level^ your life, skills and future.
I've written on the internet since the age of 12, and am a published author of at least one book...
Explore my collection of online-only products, with collections featuring: artwork, apparel, home decor, yoga products and much more.
Browse my virtual art gallery and take a walk through my journey as an artist - then buy it from my online shop.
Discover my growing portfolio of projects, years in the making and growing every single day. From footwear to motorcycles, I've invested my time and energy into making an impact - one sole at a time.
Everybody needs a hand, and I enjoy helping others on their journey. I provide coaching and consulting services that will help you, or your business, go from A to B.
Who am I?
About Me
Originally from Columbus, OH. I’m one of six children, and single Dad to the most beautiful son on the plane[t]. I run a digital web agency, create artwork and let my serial ADHD guide my ventures and ideas.
I’ve been self-employed since the age of 19 and have worked on hundreds of unique, interesting and innovative ideas everywhere from Silicon Valley to the asphalt on the streets.
“Make beautiful things and help people” – it’s my goal in life to help people, organizations and companies go from A to B in their endeavors.
I’m a big fan of Jesus, hate organized religion and think that the world would be a better place if more people treated others the way they want to be treated. My pronouns are “he-haw” – if you insist on using them.
Who is Aaron Plaat?
I'd like to take a moment to welcome you to my website - which is more of a digital playground for me to create, showcase my work, and help others learn about life, technology and making a difference in the world.
What I'm working on
"A creative man is inspired by the desire to create - not to make money" - Aaron Plaat

Shop Online Now
Art. Apparel. Book.and more+
I've taken some of my creations and have made one-of-a-kind items you won't find anywhere else. Shop my online store today and help support me on my journey.

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