Fools Play

“In the moment when I truly understand my enemy, understand him well enough to defeat him, then in that very moment I also love him.”

Sacrifice is a concept that has been wildly romanticized in our culture; Leo’s dying, blue body floating in the Atlantic as he gives up his life for the woman he fell in love with, 7 jumping in front of the deadly rays to save 9’s life, and the ever-present character who courageously tells the rest of those around him “I’ll hold them off…save yourself!” It’s quite a concept. However, I begin to wonder what this looks like in our everyday lives. Do we really know what it means to sacrifice?

We could point to the woman who quits her job to care for her child. This would be considered a noble sacrifice. However, does the story change if this woman had gotten pregnant at the age of 17 and really didn’t have anything to give up? Would it be the greater sacrifice to devote your life entirely so you can care for your children, or to be responsible in having children in order that they may have a higher quality of life when they do, in fact, happen?

These are just thoughts. Don’t mind me.

I would really like to write about the recent thoughts that have been pounding in my head over the idea of ambition, drive, and success. To be quite honest, it’s made me think more than anything I’ve ever encountered. I’ve had a barrage of epiphanies that have made me come to a conclusion about the nagging in my mind over whether or not I am working hard enough.

Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? For your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.


While I have come to this conclusion many times in my life, I’ve realized that my burning passion and desire for success must be given second seat to a passion and desire for a closer relationship with G-d, righteousness, and the never-ending pursuit of Holiness. And, if my desire for success is greater than my desire for these things, I must develop this pursuit of Holiness until it far surpasses any desire and craving I have for earthly success.

What does this look like for me? It’s really hard, actually. While it is not a bad thing to be driven and motivated, I believe it must come in the order of operations that were prescribed by Christ; seek Him first and the rest will be added. You can’t bake a cake until you have all of the ingredients mixed properly. Why do we think we can operate differently with the passion we have in life?

I heard very clearly this weekend that I must work diligently to exchange my desire and hunger for success for that of a closer relationship with our Heavenly Father. If I am left penniless and destitute because of my pursuit, I will be richer than any man I know.

Time for a jump.

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