

Dear Lucifer,

For as much of my life that has been spent inside of your world, it surprises me that we’ve never had the chance to chat. Got a minute? Of course you do; you aren’t going anywhere for, say, ever? Maybe it’s prime time that we had a chance to level with each other. See, I think you get a bit of a mixed crowd around your gates; you’re surrounded by people who don’t want to be there, and also those who are too stupid or dense to do anything about their little waltz into your…kingdom?

So, let’s get down to business. If my readers will allow me to do this, I’d like to give you credit for the feats that you’ve accomplished. Have you ever thought about writing a book on your withdrawal from Heaven with 1/3 of the Heavenly Host? I’m not quite sure how you pulled this one off; taking the Angels from God Almighty. Yes, I’m well aware you hate that name. Let’s just face it, He’s Lord. So what was your secret? I know musical talent was one of your specialties. But you must have also been quite the orator.

Your public relation gigs are also impeccable. You’ve managed to convince a good many people that you are a force that’s not worth reckoning with; we’ve painted you as a miserable red satyr with a horned tail. We laugh about you; calling you weak and stupid. Our girls dress like you for Halloween. Your supposed face is on a great deal of logos. Gotta give it to you, that’s more than we’ve done for Jesus. I mean, how would those Halloween parties be if we walked in on a sea of water? I suppose you don’t find humor in this. That’s ok with me.

Your image as being small and evasive was probably what made people forget to fear you. Since you are quite familiar with the Bible, you should be aware of your image; always getting tossed around by the Father, with nothing but a slab of stone in the future to rest your knees upon as you declare Him to be Lord. Do you hope to change the outcome of this day? Maybe you can give me the inside scoop on your upcoming strategy?

Truthfully (I know you hate this word, as well) speaking, there are a lot of people who ought to be ashamed of themselves for allowing you to know their own weapon better than they. The Bible? Yes, I know you to be very well-versed in this book. Why would somebody like you pick up a book that goes against everything you believe? Correct me if I’m wrong, but it seems as if you do so because you once served in the Highest Courts, now you are using the Word as an insider strategy to hit the faithful where it hurts. You’ve done an excellent job at suggesting to many supposed contradictions. You even had me question things before. Unfortunately for you, it just led me to want to get to the bottom of this thing called “Truth”.

There was once a time where I seemed determined to try everything you had to offer. Surely you must remember, Luci. You threw it all at me. I give you credit because you slapped me around with everything I ever could have wanted to try and experience. You didn’t have to trick me into this lifestyle; I walked willingly in it, because your road seemed to be much lighter than the one I currently tread. And your idea of gluttonous satisfaction was more appealing than a life of sanctity and self-discipline. You almost had me. In fact, you almost had me so good that I have to constantly catch myself when it comes to your cunning tactics. You are such a being that I have to watch my guard, should I get overly confident in my own discipline and dedication.

What inspired me to write you? Because I think we’ve done a darn good job of hiding you away. We don’t like to think of your existence or your lurking footsteps in the shadows of our hearts and minds. Well, I think it’s prime time that you got a little more publicity. Yeah? I think that maybe people need to stop pretending that you don’t exist. They’re only deceiving themselves; they’re doing your job for you! So maybe you need to stop kicking back and letting us do your dirty deeds. It’s time that you came back and made us realize that you’re not just a myth or a fairytale. Hell, you’re a legend! Yes, I know you love the puffery and flattery. It’s what you love the most; praise going to you, rather than to Him.

You have done a very successful job of landing some difficult blows in my life. You seem to enjoy making my life difficult and frustrating. You are attempting to make me question my Savior, perhaps? You took several good years of my life. I’ll never have those years back, but I will certainly do my best to make up for the lost time.

So yes, it’s not a typical day that you get a letter from those of us here on Earth, is it? But you will be hearing from me. You’ve done a lot of things to fill me with some good, old-fashioned righteous anger. And I’m determined to make sure that I’m always popping up on your radar. You’re probably going to be seeing a lot more of me, too, since there are a lot of people who are nearly in your gates, and there don’t seem to be enough people with the balls and Love to reach out to them.

Fact of the matter is, there really aren’t enough people on this Earth who have decided to take a proactive stand against what you are doing and what you stand for. Frankly, I’m pissed off at what you do. I speak for those who are too strung out on drugs, and other tools of your hands, to even know who they are. I hurt for the young men and women who are trying to fill a God-sized hole in their hearts with mindless sex. I pray for the gay men and women who you have gotten to believe they weren’t supposed to live the life that God intended for them. My heart hurts for those rock gods screaming their hatred of God all the way down to your doorstep.

Your tactic is to make us believe it’s all about us. It isn’t. I have learned, through much trial and error, that it is not just about me, but those around me who are hurting from the blows of your attacks. You had one hand around my throat for too long, my enemy, and it’s time to take off the glove. You never seemed to hold back on me, and it’s prime time I returned the favor.

Morning Star, you have laid some very heavy blows on me. But, John 4 claims: “Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world.” And I believe that. See, it will not be my strength, as I do not have nearly the ability do so, but it is through His. You should remember Him; He was your Father.

I’ll see you on the field.


Aaron Michael Plaat

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