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This afternoon, I had the rare pleasure of sitting down to read portions of my grandfather’s book, The Empty Hourglass, which chronicled his life. No, it cannot be found on Amazon.com or Barnes & Noble, nor should it be found. Some things are best kept within the small circle of family. Every family ought to […]

This world seems to exist at the mercy of an unseen “they”. “They” say what is good for you, bad for you, heart healthy, cholesterol busting, sex enhancing, personality developing, and other aspects of life that never seem to agree with each other. One day, they say coffee is good for you. The next, coffee […]

As I write this, there is something in my heart that shouts for joy as realizations of a long hunt for truth are beginning to become apparent. It has been quite the journey. In order to find the truth, one must be able to accept the fact that their current thoughts, beliefs, and state of […]

Hebrews 10:19-31 Therefore, brothers and sisters, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, 20 by a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, his body, 21 and since we have a great priest over the house of God, 22 let us draw […]

I cannot help but ponder the previously-mentioned quote I placed on here a few days ago. As I’ve been wondering the implications behind discovering the inner wound within my spirit, while also discovering the genius, it becomes very apparent to me. It is increasingly difficult for me to figure out what it is that I […]

I’m afraid this isn’t going to be the most pleasant of posts. There’s a lot on my mind, I’ve had a significant amount of coffee, and all of my little buttons (patience, mainly) have been recently smashed in. This is not to say that I’m aggravated, by any means. It simply means this is a […]

The lion was not supposed to eat pre-packaged meals or veggie burgers. The deer was not meant to move quickly with the use of a car. The shark was not created to eat small, floating pellets at the top of the ocean, dropped from the sky by a hand holding a large cylinder of fish food. […]

Few things make me cringe as much as the idea of living a wasted life. Thinking about it, I’ve wondered what it is that drives people to lethargy. How can it be possible to live without constantly striving to attain a goal, discover something new, or improve the life of those around them? There are […]

Happy New Year, Aaron. It’s time for another year, with the opportunity to have a new beginning, sense of motivation, and desire to make sure 2011 is somehow different than 2010. 2010, without doubt, was a very challenging year for me. As I think about all of the changes that have occurred, my mind cannot […]

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