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“The grandson tries to remember what the father tried to forget” A live devoid of adventure, I cannot imagine it. In fact, the possibility of living a life of serenity; clothed in tranquility and residing in calm, makes me want to vomit. Something I have learned about myself, recently, is that there’s a spirit within […]

I’m reading a lot more about the problem our society seems to have with the notion of young men growing up into established men. 27 year-old adolescents seem to be a prevalent part of our society. What makes me sick is not the fact that such non-men exist, but that the possibility of being one […]

We were dreamers. We woke up. Wake up, Plaat. You’re not a boy anymore. You’re a man. Early in my college career, I wrote a paper titled “Wake Up” detailing the life[style] of my fraternity experience. Thinking about it, I cannot help but wonder what it was that led me to do the things I […]

She has a pulse. Beating heart and tear-stained eyes serve as a reminder that all good things must come to an end. Good things are a pleasant reminder that all bad things must come to and end. And, when you really think about it, life isn’t so bad after all, friend. We move on. Upwards […]

It’s another one of those times where it feels like life is somehow slipping through my fingers and I cannot begin to grasp it. Reminded, yet again, of how quickly things can happen and change in just a short period of time. Tender love turns to harsh loathing. Tears of laughter flow freely as reminders […]

“I often find myself drifting back into that world I can no longer find. Shutting out today’s invading clamor, I return to the fields of crickets along the railroad tracks of my youth. The great trains enter and leave as if on stage, storming through their roles and departing. Every train has its own character, […]

The greatest tragedy is not that the mighty have fallen, but that there rise no others to take their place. That thought struck me as I sat down this morning, thinking of the current state of our generation, religion, and sad excuse of the pursuit we claim to have for love. In Revelation, we are […]

…it was a very good year. Looking back at the events that have led me to be where I’m at, it would be ridiculous for me to complain about the few, and far between, circumstances that I haven’t found to be pleasant. For the first time in quite a few years, I’m learning the value […]

Never let anybody live your life for you. Should they try, it is fair warning to see they have failed to live their own life and have now tried to move on to yours. Avoid immediately. Sitting here, it never ceases to amaze me that two family members can sit in the same room, separated […]

There have been several moments in my life where it has felt as if I cannot grasp the moment; the feeling that life is screaming past you, with the only hope/want that you can claw your way into it and somehow slow it down, even if for just a moment. Now is such a time. […]

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