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“What happens if your life goal is to be a gardener, but plants die simply by you looking at them?” It’s a tough question, friend. The want to do something does not necessarily grant the entitlement to such goals. It’s the work one is willing to put forth towards these goals, paired with ones talent, […]

I was fortunate enough to have received a copy of a book titled “In A Pit With A Lion On A Snowy Day” by my brother, Tyler. Yes, it’s a very long title for a book. However, the title comes through the book as a constant theme of taking life by the horns and creating […]

On a recent trip, I decided to re-watch the film “300” for motivational purposes. Just like a good book, a good film will provide you with a new insight when you take the time to watch it for a second, third, or twenty-seventh time. What I picked up from the film was the quote where […]

Day one begins with the Sabbath. It’s nice to finally have a day off where I can rest, recuperate, and energize myself for the upcoming week. No excuses – Just results. This past week, I asked the high school bible study a very important question: “What do you want from life?” After receiving a response, […]

Every great hero goes through trials that test their inner mettle. Precious metal becomes more valuable after going through the fire. Inner mettle becomes stronger through repeated victories, and failures, that present themselves along this treacherous path of life we walk. Pressure makes the diamond, champ. Over the past few weeks, I’ve been walking through […]

If there were a motto for our generation, which I’ve fondly dubbed “Generation A.D.D”, I think it would be “My God is bigger than your god.” My god is bigger than your god. My god is bigger. My god is… My god. What have we become? We are the cookies who have jumped out of […]

I originally wrote a blog before this, but it didn’t end up saving. Honestly, I can’t complain. Not a lot has changed since I first penned the blog, though the topic has certainly shifted. “Just do something” was the advice I received from my younger brother, Mark, as he and I discussed the recent dilemma […]

Under no circumstances should practices and traditions of our faith/religion be accepted without question, reasoning, or a critical eye. Recently, I’ve discovered there are a good many individuals who are more comfortable simply accepting what they’ve been fed their entire lives, instead of taking the time to question and analyze. Trust isn’t what it used […]

If it weren’t for that deceiving snake, all of us would life just a little bit easier. And yet, the lie was told, apple bitten, and the fall of man was the greatest catastrophe to ever occur in the history of mankind. I often joke about the first sin of man being that he listened […]

Of all elements of creation, man was the most intricate and complicated being that our Creator created. Mountains bedazzle the senses, oceans confound the learned, and the galaxies contain untold worlds that will never be discovered. If the Creator made galaxies so distant it must require light years to measure their distance, how much more […]

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