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I’ll do my best to keep this one pleasant. These past few days have been fairly stressful, which is only exacerbated by the fact that the next five days of my life will include little-to-no sleep. Overall, the fact that I’m able to push through several such days at a time and coast through the […]

Originally, I had written another blog in this space. [un]Fortunately, I decided to replace it with something else that may include more value than the thoughts I spit out. Sometimes I write simply to get something off my mind, without anything really substantial to say. It’s always better to stay on-point and be focussed on […]

It’s been said that deep thinkers are simply those who devote enough time to the practice; modern-day philosophers aren’t those who are born capable of asking “why?” but those who choose to do it. While there are always parts of my life that I’d change if it were possible, one of the things I cannot […]

Were I to give this blog a standard title, it would sound something like this: “Why I Support Online Privacy Invasion”. Of course, that’d be assuming that I use regular titles. A recent slew of online blogs chronicled the release of Google’s “Me on the Web” tool; an online reputation management tool that uses all […]

I’ve realized that much of our [un]conscious thought, words, or writing is often the partially digested stimulatory input we’ve received from others, books, or media influence. It’s nearly impossible to have an original thought. However, I’ll do my best to put these words out in a way that came from my heart, and my heart […]

“Even people who aren’t geniuses can outthink the rest of mankind if they develop certain thinking habits” Thus begins another week-end. This week has flown by way too quickly for my own comfort. Quite frankly, it’s not exactly a week that I’m proud to say happened. The books I’d like to read are bottlenecking behind […]

These past two days haven’t been the most pleasant. In light of positive circumstances, I’ve been in a bit of a funk/train of thought that’s only now beginning to find any semblance of conclusion. Mind, body, spirit, and heart have begun to be tugged on. And I am beginning to wonder where this rabbit hole […]

It’s incredible what memories are brought back to life simply by hearing a song, getting a whiff of a fragrance, or walking through some location where our emotional memory reached a peak. Columbus is full of these places for me, as I’ve had my entire life to develop these projected realms of identity. Can we […]

One of the many things I’ve learned from being self-employed is that one bad egg is all that’s needed to throw a wrench in a productive day. When I refer to ‘bad egg’ I mean a client that’s difficult to deal with. Oftentimes, these are the clients who have paid the least, while expecting the […]

Survival is not the same as living. I don’t know many people are living. However, there are a few. Thinning the chaff out of our lives is something that must be done – no matter how painful – if we are to grow and effectively love others around us in a better way. When love […]

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