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[quote]In the endless universe there is nothing new, nothing different. What may appear exceptional to the minute mind of man may be inevitable to the infinite Eye of God. This strange second in a life, that unusual event, those remarkable coincidences of environment, opportunity, and encounter… all may be reproduced over and over on the […]

[quote]It is the nature of man to rise to greatness if greatness is expected of him.[/quote] [dropcap]W[/dropcap]hen I woke up this morning, the words “There’s no tomorrow” immediately came to mind, as I pondered whether or not to sleep in a bit further or get up to start my day. Before my feet hit the […]

In the beginning… In the beginning, there was nothing. Before there was a beginning, there was nothing. There must have been nothing, because there is now something. Everything that is once was not. Before religions, before churches, mosques, temples, synagogues, and tabernacles…the Creator existed. The existence of the Creator has not been altered or affected […]

The first time I bench pressed 315lb, I was content for about 30 seconds. Next, I set to conquer 365lb. Did it. 405 is next on the horizon. However, sometimes you have to go back and revisit past accomplishments to ensure you are still capable of attaining them, if not improve upon them. On my […]

In the book The Innovator’s Solution by Christensen Raynor, the author discusses the forces, theories, and solutions responsible for creating intelligent, yet disruptive, solutions for creating and maintaining business growth. In one of the early chapters, he caught me with a quote I found to be fairly relatable, stating we are often impressed with successful […]

I recently finished the book Iron John: A Book About Men by Robert Bly. In this book, he concluded the proverbial ‘wild man’ seen in folklore, has been given way to societal execution and banishment through social expectations, religious persecution of manhood, and the fear/shirking of the sexual energy deep within each of us. While […]

After several months of it laying on my shelf, halfway completed, I finally finished the book Mob Rules: What the Legitimate Businessman Can Learn From The Mafia by Louis Ferrante. Incredible book. One of the final chapters covered the topic of living by virtue, integrity, and with values. Coming from a former mobster, it was […]

When we think of cherished memories and events in our lives, it’s often from a retrospective outlook; remembering things in the past, or perhaps retelling them to others in a story-like manner. It’s this story mode of retelling our history, paired with the ripening of time and age, that allows our past to appear sweet, […]

“After one utterly extraordinary rendition of “A Love Supreme,” Coltrane stepped off the stage, put down his saxophone, and said simply, “Nunc dimittis.” (These are the opening Latin words for the ancient prayer of Simeon, sung traditionally at evening prayer: “Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, for mine eyes have seen thy salvation.”) Coltrane felt he could never play […]

There’s still part of me that loves being a bachelor-esque guy. I admit it. This Saturday, I stayed in and watched an assortment of testosterone-inducing content, including: Death Race 2, UFC Best Fights of 2011, and Spartacus: Vengeance. I also threw back an entire pizza and avoided anything resembling work or due projects. It was […]

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