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“In the endless universe there has been nothing new, nothing different. What has appeared exceptional to the minute mind of man has been inevitable to the infinite Eye of God. This strange second in a life, that unusual event, those remarkable coincidences of environment, opportunity, and encounter…all of them have been reproduced over and over […]

 Tell me what you know about dreaming, dreaming.  Two trips in a row and I’m left sitting on my porch in Dallas, TX, appreciating the fact that I’ve never been happier in my life to be where I am and call it home. You don’t always win the roll of the dice, in life, but […]

Home is where the heart is. I’ve never seen this statement to be truer than in the past few weeks as I’ve traveled to LA, OH, and NYC. Having lived in all three places, there was a part of me that was uncertain if I’d ever return to these places permanently; leaving my current hometown […]

I don’t want to lose the moment. Flipping through old family photos, lovingly passed on to me by my mom, at an airport that I can’t remember the name of. The overhead announcer continues to call people back to security checkpoint, reminding them to pick up their lost items. We must be in Tennessee. “We […]

7:16am and I’m wishing i had taken 15 minutes to stop and fill up my rental car with gas before returning it. Part of me feels as if they ought to provide their customers with cigarettes after such a good hard…well, you know. Regardless, I digress. DAL>CMH>LGA>DAL. I’ve called all of these places “Home” at […]

If I ever have a son, I’ll want him to feel valued and strong, capable of achieving whatever it is he sets his mind to and encouraging him to rise from his failures and convert them into victories. If I have a daughter, I’ll want her to know she’s got a heart of gold and […]

Now connected. DIsconnect. One of my favorite images from Calvin and Hobbes involves Calvin kneeling before his television with a bowl of lukewarm tapioca, representing his brain and consciousness. One could say the same about the internet and the way we are all so ‘connected’ to each other, while missing out on true connection and relationships […]

“I could tell you my adventures—beginning from this morning,” said Alice a little timidly; “but it’s no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.” The above quote has really stuck with me over the years, as it touches on a nerve of thought that I’ve come to experience in my […]

I want to create the innovative, interesting, unique, beautiful, and indispensable. Life is far too short to be missed. Yet, it happens right under our noses every single day. We/I simply don’t take time to notice and participate in the many experiences life has to offer. I’m constantly reminded there are no ‘training’ courses in […]

Even the greatest among us were never really original. Most of the originals ended up bankrupt, dead, or excommunicated. She’s standing on the edge of the overpass. Wondering if he’ll ever jump in. in. In. Take a leap for me, baby. I’ll catch you. what will hurt you won’t kill me. Floating. Ascending. Suspended. Perfect […]

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