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  Gratitude is a very simple gift to give yourself and those around you. Two powerful words can change your life. Thank you. These words must be followed by a spirit that is willing to receive what has been given – with no thought of future return or compensation for the deed. This is important. […]

From the beginning of time, there has been a voice inside of us that whispers for us to remember…remember. It’s the stillness in our heart that quietly yearns for us to believe, trust, and surrender ourselves to the unfolding of life that we call our reality. We’ve become accustomed to waking up every day with […]

Today, I’d like to tell you a story you already know, about a character you’ve met, in a place you’ve been many, many times. A few weeks ago, I was deep in meditation. The meditation was a visualization; taking you from relaxation to visualizing yourself as a bird soaring in the sky. As the guide […]

Modern schooling has trained us to view our individual progress as a vertical score; A-F at any given time. This mind set is something we tend to carry in other areas of our lives; grading ourselves with semi-permanent ‘scores’ that often pull us down into depression, instead of giving us an optimistic outlook about our […]

With the new year brings a time of resolutions, promises, parties, and reflection on the previous year. Rather than write a long-winded blog about a single topic, I wanted to jot down a few things I did differently in 2015 that contributed to being the best year of my life. 1. Stay Regular That’s right […]

As a writer, I often find myself uncovering snippets of thought that snowball into fully-written blog posts. With time, these blogs will also manifest manuscripts and chapters that will one day populate bookshelves. That being said, the intro to a blog can be a challenge. Many good blogs/books are never written because some author couldn’t […]

While we are not full-swing into the holiday[s] season, one topic comes to mind that has been heavy on my heart/mind this past year; the words that we speak. It struck me that our words are just as intentional as our actions; capable of leading us in the path we choose to point them. In […]

As the new year is approaching and we are working on creating resolutions, I like to reflect on the year and ponder the lessons and overall themes learned. One thought kept coming to mind, and I wanted to share the story behind my recent eviction of two words from my vocabulary. “I’m sorry.” I decided […]

Tonight, I crossed an intersection of understanding; realizing span in which I’ve traveled – the long road ahead towards a tomorrow of change. As humans, we often develop an air of entitlement and charge; boldly taking ground with our steel-toed boots and ambitions. As such new beings of consciousness, we fail to realize the ground […]

A wolf and a sheep came across each other in a pasture. The sheep asked the wolf “What do you eat?”  The wolf replied “I eat meat for survival.” “Wouldn’t it be easier to eat grass?” asked the sheep. “It’s not the meat that keeps me alive.” replied the wolf, “it is the hunt.”  People are […]

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