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It’s been a while since I’ve penned a blog. Usually when time goes by without an entry, a lot is going on in my life. Well, that’s most certainly the case. In the last few weeks, a lot has changed in my world. I’ve become a father, published a book, learned a few hard lessons […]

Earlier this week, I was listening to one of my favorite artists, TobyMac, who I’ve listened to since I was ten years old. “Twenty One” played, and I realized there was more to the song than his usual work. A quick online search showed his son, Truett, had passed away from a drug overdose. Truett, […]

“I have heard there are troubles of more than one kind. Some come from ahead and some come from behind. But I’ve bought a big bat. I’m all ready you see. Now my troubles are going to have troubles with me!” This morning, I was reading through one of my favorite books; Wild at Heart, by […]

When I first started my entrepreneurial journey, I bought a used copy of Oh, The Places You’ll Go! by Dr. Seuss. I’m thankful it was a used copy. When I cracked it open, I saw a beautiful letter written to the prior owner. It seemed the book was a gift for a dear friend who was […]

For many years, I’ve stared at an empty screen and watched as my words filled the blank canvas with their tales. I’ve never been one of the writers to sit in front of a typewriter while waiting for inspiration to strike. The words just flow, it seems. And other times, they don’t. When they don’t, […]

Recently, I’ve been reading through Scary Close, by Donald Miller. The book covers the topic of intimacy, vulnerability, and accountability. The book is incredible, and it’s made for a new favorite pastime; reading chapters aloud with my partner, then discussing what we learned. Try it. One of the stories in the book tells about when the author […]

Over five years ago, I found myself in a place more unique than any of my experiences. One of my favorite parts of traveling is experiencing sights, sounds, and tastes that deviate from my normal routine. Yet, this was no country. It was a city that sprung to life, and vanished, in less than one […]

It’s a week until my 33rd lap around the sun. 33 years-0ld. In some ways, I feel like I’m just getting started with my life. In others, I have seen many mini lives take place as the years have sped by. Recently, I got a black hourglass tattooed on my arm; artwork made by my […]

For want of a nail the shoe was lost. For want of a shoe the horse was lost. For want of a horse the rider was lost. For want of a rider the message was lost. For want of a message the battle was lost. For want of a battle the kingdom was lost. And […]

In 1980, the world watched as a legend came to the end of his career. Muhammad Ali, having dominated the sport of boxing, was defeated by his former sparring partner, Larry Holmes. By the end of the 10th round, Ali was little more than a punching bag for Holmes; who continued to throw punches at […]

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