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2022 was one helluva year, to say the least. A lot of incredible things happened in my life, as well as some things that were less-than incredible. Looking back at the year, I think it was one of the most pivotal and important years I’ve had as a hue-man being. In a lot of ways, […]

For Atlas I love you more than I know how to say I love you more, each and every day I love you more than diamonds and gold I love you more than any hand I could hold I love you more than walks in the park I love you more than cuddling in the […]

“I could tell you my adventures—beginning from this morning,” said Alice a little timidly; “but it’s no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.”   I’ve been writing the above quote for as long as I can remember blogging. More than ever, I feel like I finally understand the meaning […]

Years ago, I remember hearing a story from a good friend of mine. He told me the tale of “Sheepdogs and Wolves” which was originally told via an online essay. The summary of the tale is that there are three types of people in the world; sheep, wolves who prey on the sheep and sheepdogs […]

In the book of Ecclesiastes, the preacher begins with the infamous line: “Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity…” All is vanity. The above quote is from the KJV, while the NIV uses the word ‘meaningless’ in lieu of vanity. Words simply aren’t interchangeable any more than colors on the […]

When I was a teenager, I remember stumbling across my first Marilyn Manson music video. Astonishing Panorama of the Endtimes featured the rocker screaming out words I had never dreamed possible of hearing, given my upbringing in a conservative christian home. Kill your god… Kill your god… Kill your god… Kill your…TV At the time, I didn’t […]

Over the years, I’ve come to appreciate a few things in life. I mean, really appreciate things. In my world, few things beat a good story, cup of coffee, heartfelt hug or giving something away to a person who needs it more than I do. Many years ago, I was one of the only people I knew […]

In my life, I’ve had to navigate a sea of changes. Change, it seems, has been the only constant element in my life. Call it fate, call it fortune, I’ve spent my entire adult life navigating ‘big’ changes of location, occupation and human relation. The more changes I’ve worked through, the more I came to […]

When I was younger, I remember reading and hearing stories about Joseph – the ‘dreamer’ of the bible. Of all the characters in the bible, I was always drawn to Joseph. I was inspired by his resistance to temptation, as well as his ultimate pay-off when he came to an elevated position at a later […]

A few weeks ago, I looked outside of my office window and saw a man walking up my porch steps to help himself to one of the bottles of water I set out on my porch in a basket. It’s a simple gesture – offering free water to people who need it – that’s resulted […]

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