Aaron Plaat

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I originally wrote a blog before this, but it didn’t end up saving. Honestly, I can’t complain. Not a lot has changed since I first penned the blog, though the topic has certainly shifted. “Just do something” was the advice I received from my younger brother, Mark, as he and I discussed the recent dilemma […]

Under no circumstances should practices and traditions of our faith/religion be accepted without question, reasoning, or a critical eye. Recently, I’ve discovered there are a good many individuals who are more comfortable simply accepting what they’ve been fed their entire lives, instead of taking the time to question and analyze. Trust isn’t what it used […]

If it weren’t for that deceiving snake, all of us would life just a little bit easier. And yet, the lie was told, apple bitten, and the fall of man was the greatest catastrophe to ever occur in the history of mankind. I often joke about the first sin of man being that he listened […]

Of all elements of creation, man was the most intricate and complicated being that our Creator created. Mountains bedazzle the senses, oceans confound the learned, and the galaxies contain untold worlds that will never be discovered. If the Creator made galaxies so distant it must require light years to measure their distance, how much more […]

I recently spoke to a friend of mine who told me of a good acquaintance who, upon leaving for college, began writing in a notebook. On the front cover of the notebook, he wrote the name of his younger brother. And, with every new experience, challenge, and question that college afforded him, he chronicled the […]

Life presents many situations that can be won by pure thought, intelligence, and careful choices. However, and this is a “however” that breaks my heart, there are also situations where logic and reasoning simply cannot be put to use. Another puzzle piece to fall through my fingers and I know she is forever gone. A […]

In the bible, we are told we will not encounter trials that we are not capable of handling; we will not be faced with situations where we are determined to meet a bitter end because we are truly incapable of walking through that situation and accomplishing victory. That being said, we can never step into […]

With Easter approaching, it only seems right to write about the concept of crucifixion and resurrection. Fortunately, I won’t be writing about the story of the Christ, as it would be somewhat redundant because it is being preached from every pulpit this upcoming Sunday morning. However, the concept of this has been on my heart/mind […]

I will it. We will it. They will it. God will it. The will of God. How are we to know what it is? Recently, I had the displeasure of hearing an individual claim that those in leadership positions at churches are in such places because the congregation ought to trust that these people are […]

One of my favorite parts of Monday morning is the artificial sense that the week is off to a fresh start; errs from the weekend are washed away, church has renewed your faith, and the work has only just begun. Perhaps my faith wasn’t recharged this weekend, or two days wasn’t enough to get enough […]

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