Aaron Plaat

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Earlier this year, I noticed something strange at a local mechanic shop in Lewisville. Normally, the shop has a sign in the front of the building that says “NEED AUTO TECH” in an effort to recruit new mechanics. However, when I walked past the sign as I was taking Atlas for a walk, I noticed […]

When I was a little boy, I remember watching The Chronicles of Narnia and being absolutely terrified of two of the characters in the film. To this day, I don’t even like to think about them, their names, appearance or even the sound of the theme song that played at the start of the first film, The Lion, […]

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Hi David, Me again. You seemed to be OK sending an email to millions of people – so, I figured it’d be nice to send one myself, as somebody who believes in democracy   Years ago, I remember standing in the BART station in the Embarcadero in San Francisco. In front of me, I […]

Note from Aaron:  If profanity offends you, then this probably isn’t a blog you should read. Or, it might be exactly the blog you need to read. In most cases, I like to use asterisks to block out vulgar words, but I feel like they need to be seen for what they are – vulgar – in […]

Lately, I’ve chatted with several people who have told me they are deeply grieved by things happening in the news. Grieved, to the point that they feel depression, sadness and even a lack of motivation to continue on with their lives as usual. “Did you hear about X!?” ”Can you believe Y?!” ”BABIES ARE BEING […]

One of the things I noticed before becoming a parent, is that almost everybody has an opinion on how to parent properly. From parenting books to early childhood development gurus, there are a lot of experts in the field of parenting that all seem to give their 2 cents on what makes for a perfect […]

There’s a local pastor in Texas that runs one of the largest mega churches in America. Famous for writing a book called The Blessed Life, he’s attracted tens of thousands of attendees in his congregation. I’ve spoken to a number of the attendees, and every single one of them has referenced this book, as well as their […]

“For want of a nail, the shoe was lost. For want of a shoe, the horse was lost. For want of a horse, the rider was lost. For want of a rider, the battle was lost.” When I was little, I remember my Mom reading this story to me and my siblings as we sat […]

How to think differently In our world, there’s a trend for most topics or ideas to be split in two; there’s one side, and then the opposing. Left, right, up, down. Republican. Democratic. Left. Right. It’s a natural tendency to try and split items down the middle, in order that we can better understand or […]

I’ve had the privilege of living a safe, protected life. When I was little, I grew up in a safe neighborhood; free of worry from violence, absent of gunshots at night and I never had to worry about harm. That same safety net has been with me for most of my life, and I have […]

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