Aaron Plaat

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One of the saddest moments for any young man is the moment where he realizes the woman with the golden hair does not exist, nor is She capable of existing through the embodiment of woman. Falling in love with an idea and hoping it exists will only cause despair and undeserved heartache. At the end […]

I’ve done my fair share of research on those who have gone through difficult situations, while also having my taste of unpleasantries (though I would be absurd to think my experiences compare with that of a Holocaust Survivor), and I’ve seen a resounding theme emanates through even the darkest of stories. It is the idea of hope. […]

Today, I set out to accomplish a few goals. These goals were quite simple: read books, don’t work, and work out. After having a good conversation with my Mom (have you told your Mom you love her, lately?) she suggested I take at least a day or two off from working. While I managed to […]

“In the endless universe there has been nothing new, nothing different. What has appeared exceptional to the minute mind of man has been inevitable to the infinite Eye of God. This strange second in a life, that unusual event, those remarkable coincidences of environment, opportunity, and encounter…all of them have been reproduced over and over […]

Dear Dad, Perhaps not enough time has passed since writing you last. Where you are, time doesn’t exist – nor should it – so I can only wonder what the delivery time is on these letters. Truth be told, I hope you aren’t reading them because you are enjoying every bit of Heaven. To come […]

“Just write…” my blog prompts me, as it closes out every other window with blank white space, just waiting to be written in. In some ways, I begin to understand how an artist must feel prior to beginning a portrait; the realization that what they are able to do could one day be great. There’s […]

“My secret is that I need God–that I am sick and can no longer make it alone. I need God to help me give, because I no longer seem to be capable of giving; to help me be kind, as I no longer seem capable of kindness; to help me love, as I seem beyond […]

“You know, when your stomach begins to churn, that the odds have just begun to even.” Brave words, spoken by my great-grandfather, concerning his policy of going big game hunting (usually tigers, snakes, wild boars, and elephants) with only one bullet in his rifle. He felt that mankind, against beast, could only be pitted in […]

Dear Dad, There are moments where I take a moment to clear my mind and find you in my thoughts and actions. Whenever I am quiet enough to shut out the riff-raff of this world, the architecture and makeup of who I am comes into the light, and I can see you clearly in my […]

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