Aaron Plaat

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In every coming-of-age story behind a man, there are moments – often in the beginning of the journey – where times are much more difficult and trying than they appear to be later on in that mans journey of life. for the first time in awhile, it appears that a portion of these tribulations have […]

Drip. Sip. Ahh. Coffee may be one of my biggest vices. If that’s the case, I feel pretty good about the vice level in my life. December proves to be a historically bad month for me. The past four years haven’t been pleasant. And this is my attempt/resolve to change the record this year. There’s […]

If I had to describe the way the past few months have been, it would be hard to tell you exactly what happened. I’m reminded of the phrase from Alice In Wonderland…”I could tell you my adventures — beginning from this morning,’ said Alice a little timidly: ‘but it’s no use going back to yesterday, […]

I was recently watching the end scene of the movie Braveheart, a movie often referenced by those in ministry to help show their ‘cool side’ that is familiar with culture, violence, and film sex scenes. As I am not in ministry, I can say, without flinching, that I watched the movie to enjoy it. And […]

Escaping reality. The idea of stepping away from reality seems as if it’s stupid or far off from being a regular occurrence. History disproves this assumption, as movie sales stay strong during times of economic crisis; we live in a society that’s willing to pay 10 bucks to momentarily forget the life they left behind at […]

Because we live in a culture that has failed to value the intiation phase from boy to man, we have grown up lacking the process entirely. Thus, we cannot be upset or remotely surprised when we discover the societal void of real men. So long as this void exists, the finding of men will become more […]

On the day of my move to Dallas, from Los Angeles, I remember a moment where I was driving and my windshield was filled with views of mountainous terrain. Awe-inspiring, it made me sit down to think about the significance of the move I was making. While driving, I pulled out my cell phone and spit out […]

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