Aaron Plaat

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“For centuries, the battle of morality was fought between those who claimed that your life belongs to God and those who claimed that it belongs to your neighbors—between those who preached that the good is self-sacrifice for the sake of ghosts in heaven and those who preached that the good is self-sacrifice for the sake […]

America is dubbed “The Land of Opportunity” but I would assert it is simply a land with lots of opportunity, as the spirit behind opportunity and success is becoming a fading reality in this nation. I recently downloaded “iTunes U” for my iPhone, and was overwhelmed by the incredible opportunity being held in my hands. […]

Arnold’s 6 Rules of Life: Trust yourself Break the rules Don’t be afraid to fail Don’t listen to the naysayers Work your butt off Give something back I am finding myself in the midst of an interesting situation. A sense of urgency has arisen concerning my faith/beliefs, and I’m determined to find the answer to […]

Confirmation. Validation. Cancellation. Life. When I returned from Asia, I originally planned on there being some semblance of newfound peace and revelation at what I learned while being overseas. Last night, I lay in bed until dawn, eyes wide open, discovering that I have instead found a new definition of the term “lost”. Lacking answers […]

It’s hard to know where to start when it comes to sharing my thoughts on my trip to Laos; so many different things have been on my mind since arriving, I don’t know where to begin. “This song is dedicated to all the happy people, to all the happy people who have real nice lives […]

Reality check. One of my favorite movie scenes is a short clip from the movie The Hurt Locker where the main character says he’ll meet his wife “in the cereal aisle.” It then cuts to a shot of him, looking at the wide assortment of cereal. The stark contrast between his life as a soldier and […]

The holidays have arrived and I’m enjoying one of my favorite pastime activities; sitting in a mall with a good cup of coffee and watching the hustle and bustle of the crowds frunning frantically between stores. There’s a casual energy pulsing here at Easton Town Center, mixed with undertones of hostility between shoppers that nobody […]

It’s hard not to think about way life has drastically changed since I last sat in this couch, in this coffeeshop, in this city. It’s been nearly a year since I’ve sat down here as a Columbus, OH resident. And I have to say that life has changed quite drastically. “Exist in reality” my brother […]

6:19 and I know I’m ready. These past few days/weeks/months have been nothing short of crazy. I’ve learned a lot about people, clients, myself, and religion. In short, since there’s nothing short of crazy in these topics, things have been crazy. I’m reminded of the quote from Alice In Wonderland where Alice talks about the […]

In every belief system, there are foundational elements used to support the principles, practices, and architectural truth of said belief system. In simple english, this means that every belief system has a set of reasons that hold it together. In any game of logic or reasoning, it’s important to realize that facts cannot be altered […]

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