Aaron Plaat

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After several months of it laying on my shelf, halfway completed, I finally finished the book Mob Rules: What the Legitimate Businessman Can Learn From The Mafia by Louis Ferrante. Incredible book. One of the final chapters covered the topic of living by virtue, integrity, and with values. Coming from a former mobster, it was […]

When we think of cherished memories and events in our lives, it’s often from a retrospective outlook; remembering things in the past, or perhaps retelling them to others in a story-like manner. It’s this story mode of retelling our history, paired with the ripening of time and age, that allows our past to appear sweet, […]

“After one utterly extraordinary rendition of “A Love Supreme,” Coltrane stepped off the stage, put down his saxophone, and said simply, “Nunc dimittis.” (These are the opening Latin words for the ancient prayer of Simeon, sung traditionally at evening prayer: “Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, for mine eyes have seen thy salvation.”) Coltrane felt he could never play […]

There’s still part of me that loves being a bachelor-esque guy. I admit it. This Saturday, I stayed in and watched an assortment of testosterone-inducing content, including: Death Race 2, UFC Best Fights of 2011, and Spartacus: Vengeance. I also threw back an entire pizza and avoided anything resembling work or due projects. It was […]

“Every father should remember that one day his son will follow his example instead of his advice” There are a great many challenges that have presented themselves to me in the past 4-5 years of being self-employed. Many of these challenges are situations more commonly thrown at somebody veteran my age by at least 10-20 […]

Whether it was at a young age or perhaps a moment in the latter years of life, I believe a man encounters a moment in his/her life where they decide to set their sights on an end goal, destination, or purpose for their life. I don’t believe everybody has this moment. But, for the ones […]

In the book How To Win Friends And Influence People, Carnegie describes one of the key characteristics as being able to remove your desires from a given situation, instead focusing on the wants and needs of the other person. I hate to say it, but there’s been a lot of self-want and inner reflection about some […]

Success is never final. Failure is never fatal. Depending on what line of work you’re involved with, the ease of comfort you find in waking up each day will vary from one person to another. Every now and then, I have to remind myself of the difficult situations others, quite close to me, are experiencing […]

“Losers always whine about their best. Winners go home and **** the prom queen.” In the ideal world, the winner gets a trophy and the loser gets nothing. I’d want this world, even if it means I will never get a trophy. “Do your best” is an attitude accepted in our society as an acceptable […]

This may be one of the first blog posts I’ve had in some time where the title matches the topic of the blog. Minimal significance, though something to note. I’ve spoken to a decent number of older couples who look back towards their young dating days with great fondness. There’s an air of innocence and […]

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