Aaron Plaat

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The clickety-clack sound of a New York City subway brings back an instant sensation of the smell and surroundings that go along with it. That screeching metal sound, paired with the semi-quiet sense of calm that occurs just before a train comes roaring through the station. Cold winter mornings and dirty tile steps lead down […]

One of the things I’ve recently been pondering is just how much is that we become my parents children as we grow older. We really do pick up the “Sins of our fathers “as we grow older. From scheduling my first visit to the orthodontist to purchasing health insurance for myself and making sure that […]

You know your mind is changing when you realize that the people you surround yourself with, in friendship and conversation, begin to look less like a copy & paste version of you. When I was younger, I wanted to fit in with ‘everybody else’ so badly. As I’ve gotten older, the beauty of individualism and […]

There’s going to be a night, in the very near future, where I do a one-stop-shop fix for a lot of issues that need to be taken care of. Tonight is not that night. It’s hard to take a night off when you’re used to constant 24/7 go-go-go action. Sometimes you need to stop and […]

Home is where the heart is where the home is. Home is where the heart is. Home is where the home is. Home. Heart. Home. Home. Home. After several years of adult life, it has sometimes been complicated to figure out exactly where ‘home’ is. After this visit back to Columbus for the holidays, it […]

Tomato. Tomato. “December has always been a very hard month for me…” It seems like not so long ago that I wrote those words. I’ve written that same phrase, in more words or less, almost every year for the past 4-5 years. It’s probably more like 6. Life is different now, but it doesn’t feel […]

Watching people fall off of the proverbial ‘friends list’ of life has been something I’ve gotten more comfortable with as time has gone by. Not because my affection for others has fallen, but because I’m realizing how much more important values and integrity are than increasingly-less-valuable friendships that have had wedges put between them by […]

You know you’re getting older when you begin to place your values before your wants, emotions, and finances. I’ve grown a lot in the past few years. I can’t say if I’ve grown more than the average twenty six year-old, as I don’t know what that looks like. Yet, I feel as if the short […]

“Have you hugged your grandparents, today?” was one of the opening quotes in a chapter of The Empty Hourglass, the book Opa wrote about his life. In a book filled with wild adventures consisting of war stories, encounters with wild animals, treacherous undercover operations, immigration to America, and the experiences he encountered as an orphan, one thing […]

Ironic as it may sound, my website went through a technical issue that caused me to lose a lot of writing that has occurred over the past year. It is ironic because as much as I would love to have that writing back – something I’ll never have – I can look back on the […]

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