Aaron Plaat

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For over a decade, I’ve coined the phrase “I’m interested in being correct. If it takes being wrong to get there – so be it.” I think that mentality is really the only way that you can ever discover the truth, given that you aren’t inherently born with a clear-cut truth. Rather, it’s a pursuit […]

I recently started reading a book called “Get Your Shit Together” which was a suggestion from my older sister. Given that the book is nearly 40% profanity/vulgar words, I’m surprised she recommended it – let alone, read it. Yet, the book has had a few golden nuggets of wisdom that I have stated to apply […]

Yesterday, our nation took a day to honor the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr., a man who cried out for equality and was rewarded with a bullet in his chest for it. Today, civil rights ‘activists’ take a much different stance than King, and I doubt that he’d approve of their approach. See, King […]

One of the bigger issues facing people today that’s not common to talk about openly, is imposter syndrome. For the unaware, imposter syndrome is the feeling that you are somehow an imposter in life or your profession; unqualified to do the job you’ve been tasked with and afraid you’ll someday be discovered as a fraud. […]

In The Passion of the Christ Pontius Pilate has a line that I remember to this day: Quid est veritas? Said in English, it translates to “What is truth?”, a question he asked while in deep reflection about the decision to make concerning the life of Jesus. As a man who asked this question, I […]

In Proverbs (27:17) there’s a phrase that says “Iron sharpens iron” and I think there’s a tremendous amount of wisdom to be taken from this verse, especially if you’re interested in making yourself a better person each day. One of my challenges in the last few years has been in developing a full social life. […]

I was driving on the road and noticed a familiar scent coming through my air vents. You’ve probably smelled it before, yourself. I didn’t need to look for a small black and white animal to know that it was a skunk, which had emitted its odor for the world to smell. As I drove further […]

Today, I failed a little girl in a parking lot. I’m not proud to admit this, but I held myself back as I watched her mother verbally assault her on their way outside of a local business, and it’s been on my mind ever since the incident happened. I spent the afternoon/evening with Atlas, and […]

One of the things I appreciated a lot about my childhood, were the movies my parents would watch with us. Aside from being extremely selective about what we’d watch (I saw my first R-movie when I was 14 – Gladiator) they hand-picked some of the all-time great films of our generation – most of them […]

“Values – you can’t put a price on them, but you can sell em’ real cheap.”   Earlier this year, I had a bit of an epiphany about my value system. I asked myself “What if I replaced my currency-driven value system with one that is value-based?” And that question is something I’ve been asking […]

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