Aaron Plaat

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“Safe?” said Mr. Beaver; “don’t you hear what Mrs. Beaver tells you? Who said anything about safe? ‘Course he isn’t safe. But he’s good. He’s the King, I tell you.” The above quote, which anybody who knows me will be shocked to see I used, is from The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe. As a child, […]

One of my favorite moments from Spartacus: Gods Of The Arena is the moment before the last fight of the season; the Primus. It was a fight, to the death, where 20+ gladiators entered into the ring and only one would emerge the victor. Prior to the fight starting, there was a look in the eye of […]

Given the number of ads I’ve seen over the past few weeks for the celebration of Father’s Day, I thought it appropriate to share some of the things on my mind as the day approaches. One of my favorite possessions, of all the ‘cool and unique’ items I own, is a small black Craftsman tool […]

Fancy victorian lettering and foreign-sounding organic ingredients still don’t cover the fact that I question whether or not the $25 face wash I’m using is somehow superior to the $5.99 bottle that carried me through my teenage breakouts. That’s another story for another time. Two people can drink the same glass of wine, pint of […]

“Raised on MTV…raised on you and me…” Many young men face an unknown enemy they feel the need to strike out and attack. Blindly, they swing and attempt to destroy this unseen force. Realizing this invisible enemy is an asset instead of an enemy is one of the maturing steps a young man reaches as […]

Love. Joy. Peace. Patience. Kindness. Goodness. Gentleness. Self-control. in christian culture, these are known as the ‘fruits of the spirit’ and are seen as the result of the ‘holy spirit’ working in your life. This is an interesting concept, as many other world religions hold similar/identical values as something to strive for – a concept […]

“A building has integrity just like a man. And just as seldom.” What has changed most in my life this year is the decision to live my life on my terms; taking responsibility for my actions, thoughts, opinions, and outcomes of these choices. I have known several people who remove themselves from the position of personal responsibility […]

I once knew an individual, who I will not mention, who prided himself as being a social anthropologist and coining a term for a generation within our century. For as much as this individual knew about humanity, there was a great void to be felt for what he knew about how to treat humans – as […]

Hey blood brother, you’re one of our own. Your sharp as a razor and your heart is a stone. Hey blood brother, you’re bad to the bone. You’re a natural killer in a bad place alone. Committed to success through integrity and innovation. That’s what this website says about me. That’s one of the goals […]

Watching a documentary about World War II, I’m a bit flustered at the realization that our entire world seems much more interested in killing itself – and each other – than in maintaining peace and unity. The chart on the right shows  the global defense budget, with the United States of America prominently in the […]

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