Aaron Plaat

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Something many people don’t know about the lilac flower is that it releases its strongest scent once it has already died. I’m determined to find it but there is a film where one of the dying characters asks his friend “Do you smell lilacs?” as he passes away. In addition to this being my funeral […]

When you’re a  young child, every dark closet is capable of being a forbidden kingdom. Every dog is secretly a war horse, awaiting your noble charge to vanquish the enemy from your motherland. Perhaps it’s just the laundry room being liberated by a golden shepherd and a boy wearing cardboard armour. Dream big, son. Dream […]

“When all of your wishes are granted, all of your dreams will be destroyed.” I read this quote a very long time ago and have been torn on whether or not it is accurate. Sometimes we crave the accomplishment of something so very much that once we achieve it, we second-guess whether or not our […]

“I could tell you my adventures—beginning from this morning,” said Alice a little timidly: “but it’s no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.” That’s one of my favorite quotes. In a lot of ways, I’m able to relate to it. Yesterday was my birthday. To be completely frank (or […]

I grew up hearing the term “unconditional love” on many occasions; preached from behind the pulpit, discussed during “table time” every morning, or championed in stories, movies, or books. It wasn’t until I got older that I began to understand what it truly meant to have unconditional love. It has to start with you. As […]

One of my [least] favorite childhood movies was Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. A family classic, I loved every moment of the movie except for the evil villain, with the long nose, who captured children with the lure of a candy wagon. My family did a remarkable job of enjoying movies that involved terrifying characters that caused nightmares […]

I recently read an article that discussed the way painful experiences have a way of creating depth in our hearts. Similar to the way a rock bore digs itself through solid rock, our experiences have a way of forging depth within our hearts that often looks like gaping holes. Without bores to cut through rock, […]

I’ve gotten to know a lot of people who have varying levels of connection with their family. Some are close; best friends and together through thick and thin. Others have had conflicts or situations that have separated and distanced the family to the point of ‘family’ being more like a past relic of a relationship. […]

With the Mr. Olympia competition coming up, I wanted to jot down a few notes I’ve learned from Kai Greene – paired with some of the reflection I’ve had after accomplishing a goal I’ve set to do for several years; deadlift 500+ pounds of weight. One of my favorite Kai quotes deals with his concept […]

Hey Blood Brother… It doesn’t seem that long ago that my brother, Mark, and I were driving along Duvall Road and headed to Waffle House. We’d have the windows down and sing our hearts out to Alice Cooper, before filling up on a kings feast of artery-clogging breakfast items. It wasn’t that long ago that […]

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