Aaron Plaat

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“What do you want to be when you grow up?” At the age of 27, there’s a part of me that feels obligated to feel ‘grown up’ as an adult. All of the usual responsibilities, such as: paying bills, generating income, being responsible, having ethical/moral standards and reading from newspapers, are an active part of […]

They say “home is where the heart is.” It’s taken a few years to understand what this means. But, I’m finally starting to understand the meaning behind the quote. Whether it’s sleeping on a concrete floor in Laos, a cheetah-print covered bunk bed in Taiwan or sleeping in the relative comfort of the couch at […]

Reflecting on a conversation I had with my younger brother, in attempts to sell him on the idea of moving to Dallas (he’ll move…), I am reminded that one of the biggest barriers we have to overcome in our lives is knowing what we don’t know; many doors of opportunity in our lives are closed […]

December is here. And what a December it is turning out to be… I’m hoping there’s a bit of inspiration to be found at the bottom of the cup of coffee I just poured. It’s a Thursday in every sense of the word. There’s a lot of buzz going on in my head about what […]

“We’ve got it all wrong. We should be thankful every day, and have one day to complain!” My life is beautiful. That could sum up this entire blog entry. On Thanksgiving, we’re reminded to give thanks for all that we have in our lives; the people, places, times, opportunities and blessings we’ve had bestowed upon […]

  I recently sat down with a friend of mine and discussed the lies that we hear from others on a regular basis. I find it no accident that inner qualities, values and skill-sets are whittled down to dull stubs by the time many of us reach our adult years; it’s easier to comply with […]

Some recent conversations I’ve had have involved the subject of ‘mirrors’ and the reflection we see when we look in the mirror. The mirror can be one of the hardest places to stand, because we often use it to uncover and correct our blemishes, rather than to see and appreciate the beauty within. Mirrors tend […]

“Aaron, when you wake up, you need to stand as 10,000. That’s how the world is changed.” I’m standing tall. My life was taken for a very wild ride this year. Sitting here while slurping down coffee from my favorite Jack Skellington mug, I’m reminded of the joy and goodness that comes with the fruition […]

“Meet the bell, kid.” When I was younger, I heard the phrase “Show me your friends and I’ll show you your future.” At the time, I didn’t fully understand what these words meant. As a young (less every day) adult, it’s dawned on me just how important it is who you surround yourself with…and why […]

Life looks so much different in ‘real life’ than it does on television. In Asia, one of the marketing methods used in commercials is to paint an ‘ideal world’ of happiness, success and overall well-being. As an ever-maturing adult, I’m learning to find the joy in the little things life has to offer, no matter […]

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