Aaron Plaat

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Life tends to happen when we engage. I’ve had experiences that never would have happened were I to have hit “send to voicemail” instead of picking up the call. The past few months have been a whirlwind. Sometimes it feels like the wave will take me to shore; home free. Other times, it feels as […]

Coltrane pouring through my speakers. Jazz, baby. Jazz.  Twenty-seven. 27. Flip through pages of GQ and it’s easy to figure out what sort of life we’re ‘supposed’ to lead. Six-figure fashion spreads of airbrushed figures. The fancy car gets the girl(s). The player’s guide to bagging more bodies in your bed. Dreams of Prada suits […]

Dear ______ (That’s us), I’ve been thinking about Us. That’s “Us” with a capital “U”. The story of us. How the fuck do I sum it up? Has it been perfect? Hardly. Any story with me in the center of it will never be anything less than a big smiling mess. But here’s what I […]

I was tickled pink to be able to restore an old hard drive I had that contained a backup of all of my pictures, music, and writing. Flipping through the images, I’m reminded of the incredible journey the last few years have been for me. Sipping coffee and working through memory lane… Late night hunger […]

It wasn’t all that long ago that I was flipping through the Robert Kiyosaki book, Before You Quit Your Job in the ever-calming environment of the emergency department at The Ohio State University Medical Center. I can still hear the grungy beeping noise of various monitors and pieces of medical equipment. I was wearing a pair of […]

I suppose I ought to thank the universe for the timing of this blog entry. Grammarly is already screaming at me for grammar mistakes (it ought to make my mother happy). I’m too tired to argue over my word choice, and I happily take the word replacement suggestion. Moving on. I have a habit of […]

I woke up. More than any other quote, I’ve repeated the quote from Alice In Wonderland (I could tell you of my adventures…) more than any other quote on my blog. Just shy, perhaps, of the “Tunnel Song” from Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory. Both of these quotes have a significance in my life every time they are […]

Auto-correct and pre-served cups of k-coffee. Someday our kids won’t even know what it’s like to make a typo or drink a cup of coffee that hasn’t been made properly. Such a lack of tragedy. There are countless stories about individuals who went through a tragedy in plain sight of those around them. “Couldn’t happen […]

One of the things I’m coming to appreciate as an adult is the relationship I have between my siblings. In our family, we have quite the spread of children. Steven, Lydia, Aaron, Mark, Julia and Joshua. Ages from 14-30. The four eldest siblings (SLAM) have had the benefit of growing up with each other, as […]

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