Aaron Plaat

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I recently read a blog (link) that focused on the topic of entrepreneurship. Knowing the author – and being the subject – the article really resonated with me. The recent pause in writing has been partly due to the fact that I’ve spent much more time observing – and internally processing – than I spend […]

Ironically, these past few months have been the most sparse I’ve been with blog writing. I’m finding that sometimes we go through experiences in life that are best kept under our hats, so we can process them fully. I learned this lesson on Saturday, after watching my beloved iPhone go up in smoke (literally) as […]

They’re a saying “life imitates art” and I have to agree with new depth and appreciation as I’ve gotten older. As with art, you learn to appreciate the value behind a ‘true original’ and discover the joy of the ‘story’ every time you hear a new one. A composer (poorly paraphrased) stated “I’ve spent so […]

This is probably the longest I’ve gone without blogging. Even in the dense forests of Northern Laos, I took time to pen down a few thoughts. The past few weeks/months have been an interesting journey…to say the least. Growing older, I realize the value behind the statement in Alice In Wonderland – “I could tell you of […]

On my last trip to Washington, D.C., we visited one of the Smithsonian museums and walked through the display for the original “Star Spangled Banner” flag. Patriotism has always been an odd subject for me. On one hand, I’m proud and aware of the fact that we enjoy ridiculous amounts of freedom that other countries […]

  Over the past few years, I’ve watched countless interviews with famous entrepreneurs that have accumulated a lot of wealth. Gates, Cuban, Zuckerberg, and Musk…to name a few. They’re often asked by young and ambitious entrepreneurs ‘how to get wealthy’ and become multi-billionaires. I think it’s a bit interesting to see the reactions, because they […]

In other news, there seems to have been a drastic change of plans. For my blog, life, location, and state of mind. For starters, I’ve decided to keep the ‘personal’ portion of my blog alive and public. I’ll make another category for click-bait, I mean, articles. I’ve been reading some incredible blogs lately. And the […]

Note From Aaron: This will be the last ‘personal’ blog I write publicly, and will be temporarily shutting down AaronPlaat.com to launch a new redesign, with content more ‘article’ style than personal entry. I’ve spent nearly 15 years blogging about my personal experiences, and feel as if it’s time to ‘graduate’ to more focused articles that […]

There continue to be a number of items in my life that have had their perspective changed. Some of the more constant items have been in the topics of grace, forgiveness, and showing love to others. My understanding of what it means to forgive and love others is much different than it used to be. […]

“I don’t know” The above line has saved – and ended – the lives of many people. The points in my life that have been the most strenuous, peaked in summits of “I don’t know….” about the particular topic/situation at the moment. Many fear the unknown. After all, it’s the unknown… Fear. Love. Love fear. […]

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