Aaron Plaat

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As the new year is approaching and we are working on creating resolutions, I like to reflect on the year and ponder the lessons and overall themes learned. One thought kept coming to mind, and I wanted to share the story behind my recent eviction of two words from my vocabulary. “I’m sorry.” I decided […]

Tonight, I crossed an intersection of understanding; realizing span in which I’ve traveled – the long road ahead towards a tomorrow of change. As humans, we often develop an air of entitlement and charge; boldly taking ground with our steel-toed boots and ambitions. As such new beings of consciousness, we fail to realize the ground […]

A wolf and a sheep came across each other in a pasture. The sheep asked the wolf “What do you eat?”  The wolf replied “I eat meat for survival.” “Wouldn’t it be easier to eat grass?” asked the sheep. “It’s not the meat that keeps me alive.” replied the wolf, “it is the hunt.”  People are […]

….and there you were. Eyes right across from mine. the universe eclipses in this moment Time laps. laps. laps. being. just being. you. me. we. one.  I’ve spent some time recently exploring the concept of being ‘awakened‘ as this year has brought me to a realization that I’ve been coming to this point. Truth be […]

Inside of me is a heart that longs for every ounce of goodness life has to offer, without the confines of a safety net. I want to attain unparalleled success and create groundbreaking moves in the tech/startup industry. I want to fall in love. Not the kind of love that is safe or mediocre. But […]

Compassion is one of the biggest gifts my parents bequeathed me as a child. I can’t ever remember receiving a lecture about the virtues of compassion. Instead, it was displayed through actions. If you google the dictionary for compassion, it almost gives a tone of one having the ability to feel ‘pity’ for another. “Concern […]

Last year, I posted a blog series in preparation for my Mom’s birthday. This year, I’m doing a follow-up. I’m not quite sure where the direction will go, but I have a lot of loose ends to tie together via writing. Let’s go. When I think about our family dynamic, a lot of really ‘large’ […]

Throughout the years, our family has had quite an interesting journey through this thing called “life”. In some cases, there were times where harsh jabs were thrown to each other; dividing and picking each other apart for the purpose of harm. Little more than fear, our insecurities in a large family can often evolve into […]

concrete paths of glittering diamonds a sharp leather throne thrown the king raises his scepter tumbling down his thrown away city lights. red. blue. and white. dismal eyes down to the ground no hope. crown. second chance. another broken scepter on a throne… …thrown far away It’s been said ‘the mind is its’ own place. […]

One of my favorite terms in the world of design is the word ‘restraint’. I first heard the term in 2010 while working with an incredibly talented industrial designer. As with design, life often emulates the art we view in museums. Sometimes ‘less is more’ can be a simpler way of experiencing life the way they […]

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