Aaron Plaat

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“I could tell you my adventures—beginning from this morning,” said Alice a little timidly; “but it’s no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.” As a child, I wondered about a lot of things. My older brother, Steve, enjoys reminding others about my “monster machine” of a mind… There was […]

I remember reading a book in college called Jesus With Dirty Feet. It talked about Jesus in a way that made sense to me. Instead of a high and lofty man with white robes, it painted a picture of a man that would answer the phone when you needed somebody to speak to, rub a sore foot, […]

Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. You could say that words have become a large part of my life since I was a child. I was one of the first in the Xanga blogging community, compiling […]

Today, we  celebrate Mother’s Day and recognize the wonderful gift we have in our mother. I’m personally very thankful to have a mother that has poured limitless love over all of her children, each in a unique and special way. Mothers make many sacrifices for their children.  As an adult, I now appreciate the challenge it was to […]

As a child, I remember growing up in the christian church system. Some would view the setting as a fundamentalist arena. As I’ve grown older. it’s one that I’ve come to appreciate and learn from. The church did an incredible job of showing what not to do with your life, yet often left me hanging when it […]

I’ve read many writers describe “thirst for a water that will quench them.” Sometimes it is found in the lustful throes of entangled lovers. Other moments find it in the realm of prayer and meditation. In recent weeks, I have also found myself searching for this concept. I’ve found a lot of interesting philosophy pointing […]

During my first trip to Burning Man, I learned how to give a massage, from a massage therapist. Since then, I’ve discovered the joy massage brings to others. Even more so when given in an unexpected place or time. Massage is a gift that involves work, trust, connection, and pain. If your massage didn’t hurt, […]

Have you ever stood in front of a mirror and counted your imperfections? I’m sure you have, as have we all. Mirrors contain only a small part of what we see; the exterior. If we use the mirror as our standard of perfection, we will never come to peace with what we see; the more […]

My mother once told a story about the day her father took the family to the local ice cream parlor. As they sat down at the table, her Father asked what sort of ice cream the children wanted. Without skipping a beat, my mother blurted: “I want a vanilla ice cream cone.” He took note of […]

I used to begin every blog with “Featured image by Deviantart” with a link to the photo used. For a long time, I wanted to be able to use my own photos, instead of stock art photos. That time is finally here. We live in a medicated world, where every pain, ailment, or difficulty has […]

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