Aaron Plaat

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Since as far back as I remember, I’ve made a conscious decision to become a regular at as many coffeeshops, restaurants, and bars I can find. I’m a firm believer we should support the local economy; supporting locally-owned establishments in lieu of corporate chains. When you support a locally-owned business, there’s a sense of integrity in knowing […]

Having just turned 29, I’ve been putting some thought into the past decade of my life and evaluating some of the milestones I’ve passed, along with those yet to come. From a young age, I began to put up several life goals and associated those with some age bracket. My 19 year-old self saw a […]

I gave several attempts at writing a birthday blog to jot down a few harvested thoughts from the previous year. None of these attempts turned out the way I imagined them, so they remain in a draft status until further notice. 28 was a remarkable year for too many reasons to count. The best description […]

“I only have one of you…” This weekend, I was sitting on the patio with Azar, enjoying the beautiful and sunny weather around lake Merritt. It was a hot day. Correction: It was a very hot day, at least for Oakland. As Azar went inside to grab a drink of water, I moved a fan outside to […]

“In the endless universe there has been nothing new, nothing different. What has appeared exceptional to the minute mind of man has been inevitable to the infinite Eye of God…There has been joy. There will be joy again.” I’ve been quoting these words from The Demolished Man for over ten years in my writing. Each time, they […]

Have you ever stopped to think about the idea of Heaven?  I sometimes just think of a place with no more pain. No more physical, mental, emotional, or social fear. It sounds like a wonderful place to start. I came to meet Michael Jackson a few years ago in Dallas, TX. Michael is the kind of […]

Lately, I’ve been pondering the subject of God. There are so many different viewpoints about this topic, I find myself struggling to avoid a generalization of pre-judgement. God isn’t a topic many can discuss comfortably, due to the varying degrees of experience with…God. God reminds me of the image of a hurricane; peace in the […]

I recently read a book called God’s Debris, by Scott Adams, the author of Dilbert. The book was so compelling, I had to read it a second time. It’s a semi-fictional story about a man who encounters…well, I’ll have to let you read the book to find out. It’s a quick read. Adams touched on the subject of personal […]

Every day, I wait at the Lake Merritt BART station for my morning ride to work on San Francisco’s public transportation system, the BART. I frequently question the use of “rapid” in the words Bay Area Rapid Transit, as it’s frequently delayed. Delays and all, I’ve become very fond of this morning ride. Looking around the crowded […]

On Sunday, I like to look back and spend some time in reflection of the previous week/month/year, as well as look ahead to the upcoming time ahead. Recently, I booked a flight home to Columbus, OH. Since booking, I’ve been processing a lot of thoughts and memories that have existed as milestones since the day […]

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