Aaron Plaat

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I recently heard a saying that in order to remove a demon of its power, you must learn the name it carries; knowing its identity removes its ability to demonstrate authority over you. Thinking about this statement, I had to reflect back on the question of my own identity. Who am I? Am I the […]

I’ve spent the last three weeks traveling in the beautiful country of Uruguay. Each week has been spent in a different city, with lodging ranging from a beautiful beachfront home, to grimy hostels that lack air conditioning. To say the trip has been a challenge is a bit of an understatement. Yet, it’s also given […]

Throughout my adventures in Uruguay, I’ve kept an eye on the news and happenings going on inside of the United States. Right now, it seems like a stretch to call them “united” in the post-election state of our union. I was very encouraged to see the collective millions of women (and supportive men) that have […]

This weekend, I found myself laying by a moonlit pool and staring at the stars. In some ways, looking up at the night sky feels a bit like looking in the mirror at your own reflection. Every night, I’m sure there are others who also look up at the sky and think through their life […]

“For what it’s worth: it’s never too late or, in my case, too early to be whoever you want to be. There’s no time limit, stop whenever you want. You can change or stay the same, there are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it. I hope […]

A little fun fact: it’s incredibly hard to start the first few words of a blog. Most entries are spawned by a series of thoughts that marinate into written words. However, the first few words are always the most difficult to come by. For me, at least. Now that my intro is out of the […]

My heart was very heavy to hear of the tragedy that occurred in Oakland. Over 36 have been confirmed dead in a fire that felt close to home. The overwhelming feeling I’ve shared with others this weekend is “it could have been us” that were dancing that night. Every loss has a sting. In this […]

As a writer, the way in which you process your life is a unique way of experiencing the world. You see people, experiences, and life events as a piece of artwork that may someday be conveyed through written word. Thus, you’re constantly translating your experiences into snippets that will later be unpacked. I’ve been blogging […]

  During this past weekend, I sat down to collect a few thoughts that had been running through my mind. With Thanksgiving in the rearview mirror, I realized it wasn’t too late to sit and sift through the gratitude I’ve discovered for life. I have a lot to be thankful for; a wonderful life, career, family, […]

I’ve heard it said that we ought to be thankful every day and have one day, per year, to complain. It’s a funny statement to unpack, as it’s a reminder to be consistently thankful. When I was living in Dallas, I had the good fortune of meeting somebody who made a point to express gratitude […]

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