Aaron Plaat

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“I never take on a restoration project without a donor vehicle. You never know when you’re going to need an extra part because the original one was rusted, or missing.” I was taking a stroll through a familiar place; a manufacturing plant, operated by one of my mentors in Columbus, OH. He’s a hot rodder, […]

My last blog was an introduction to the passion I’ve discovered for massage healing. It was really nice to jot down a few thoughts that I’ve wanted to share concerning the subject. Today’s entry is an extension of what I wrote, after being on the receiving end of a massage that would defy the senses. […]

It seems like only days ago that I encountered a woman that would change my life (for the better) at a magical place I like to call ‘home’…Burning Man. Our camp had a few extra guests who needed a temporary place to camp. While chatting with the temporary visitors, we got to talking about our […]

Earlier this year, I took a journey to Tijuana, Mexico, to visit an orphanage operated by the Corazon De Vida Foundation. The trip was an incredible opportunity to spend time with the 93 children who lived at the orphanage, as well as get to know the donors and workers who gave freely to help make […]

Two years ago, I was sitting on my couch in Dallas, wondering what the next chapter of my life would contain. I was anticipating a trip to NYC, followed by a new opportunity in San Francisco. I had been self-employed for 8 years, and was well accustomed to the unknown. This time around, it felt […]

It’s been a while since I’ve written a product review/suggestion. This is related to the ceasing of my old binge-purchase habits through Amazon. It’s been a few years since I crossed the 350+ orders per year threshold. Nowadays, I look for products and services that solve immediate problems in my life, with simple designs, pricing, […]

Morality. Does it exist? Do unicorns exist? If I asked you what a unicorn looked like, you’d be able to provide me with an accurate description. You could probably point to many pictures of them, galloping across a beautiful countryside. If a blind person were to ask what a unicorn was, I have a feeling […]

“We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another.” A friend of mine recently wrote a blog about ‘swipe culture’ and its’ impact on the modern dating scene. After reading the blog, I thought it would be nice to write a response from a different […]

When I was a little boy, I remember shopping with my mother for seeds to plant in our family garden. These seeds came in small envelopes, with a picture of the plant/fruit/vegetable/flower on the front of the envelope. Holding one of the envelopes, I shook the package and listened to the small seeds rattle in […]

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