Aaron Plaat

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I recently read an article which described love as the “astrolabe of the seeker”. For the uneducated, an astrolabe is a complex device used to navigate the stars. I’ve seen this concept resounding true in all aspects of life. The bible has the following to say about love: Love is patient, love is kind. It […]

 ‘I could tell you my adventures—beginning from this morning,” said Alice a little timidly; “but it’s no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.” I’ve been writing the above quote (as well as this intro) for several years now, because it reminds me a lot of the live I’ve been […]

As a child, I remember hearing stories of about the ‘widow’s mite’ as an example of sacrifice. The story goes as follows: There was once a man who walked into a religious temple with a large charitable donation. After he gave his offering, an elderly widow walked up to the offering plate and placed two […]

I remember a line from the movie The Bucket List, a tale about two men with terminal cancer, which made me pause. One of the wishes of the dying men was to “see something majestic” before he died. In my adult years, I bore witness to many ‘majestic’ sights; rolling mountains in Laos, sunrises over […]

Robert Bly tells the medieval story of a boy who would become king, in his masterpiece Iron John: A Book about Men. The tale speaks often about a wound the boy received, likening it to the wounds given to us by our parents as young children. For some, our parents were screamers; yelling inside of […]

As I’ve gotten older, I’ve come to realize that every moment can be full of meaningful intersections that make you stop and reflect on the beauty life has to offer. Sometimes, in the strangest of places you experience a priceless moment. This morning was one of those times. Today, I had the pleasure of meeting […]

The last ten years have felt akin to living many lives. The decade brought a mixture of places, faces, times, and memories. In each of the cities I’ve stayed, I’ve been fortunate enough to meet a beautiful tribe of people that quickly etches their way into my heart. I found myself alongside Michael Jackson, whilst […]

“A mother’s love for her child is like nothing else in the world. It knows no law, no pity. It dares all things and crushes down remorselessly all that stands in its path.” In December, I had the opportunity to chat with a coworker about the experience she has had while raising a son with […]

Several years ago, I sat in a comfortable armchair in the living room of one of my best friends in Dallas, TX. The room was designed elegantly, with meditative music playing in the background as a colorful accent light rotated bright colors over the walls. My friend, Dave, a man who took me under his […]

Exactly one year ago, I sat in the lobby of a hostel in Montevideo, Uruguay. The internet speed was mediocre, at best. And the hot air sat stale without movement. I was nearing the end of a monthlong offshore with Expensify and enjoyed the solitude I found behind a desk. Things changed quickly, as a coworker […]

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