Auctor neque vitae tempus quam. Cras sed felis eget velit aliquet. Luctus accumsan tortor posuere ac ut. Laoreet non curabitur.
Auctor neque vitae tempus quam. Cras sed felis eget velit aliquet. Luctus accumsan tortor posuere ac ut. Laoreet non curabitur.
Up until my late 20’s, working out was an important part of my life. That changed pretty dramatically when I moved to San Francisco. The city knows how to throw a party. I exchanged dumbbells for beer bottles, protein powders for white powders, and started smoking. As a result, I all but abandoned my previous workout […]
One of my favorite stories is a short poem, called “The little match girl” by Hans Christian Anderson. The story follows a young girl who sells matches to provide money for her family. On a cold evening, she couldn’t find any buyers for her matches; so, she stayed late in the cold to try and […]
With another birthday in my 30’s coming at the end of the month, I’ve been thinking a lot about my life. The reflections haven’t been easy; often, feeling more like a quarter-life crisis than recollection of joys and accomplishments. When I go back to my inner child and ask them what they wanted to accomplish […]
Our family grew up with a very competitive spirit. From board games to arguments, we siblings enjoyed proving ourselves to each other – or proving ourselves better than each other. To this day, I haven’t seen such lively games of Risk or Monopoly – often requiring the intervention of our Mom to maintain the peace […]
I once had the pleasure of working with a counselor in Dallas, TX. She was a sweet woman who made sure you had a safe place to be yourself. Connie, one of the people I think is an angel on earth, once told me: “Aaron, you can’t grow without community.” At the time, I wasn’t […]
Note: I started the note about Julia and Josh before this piece – then felt I should complete this piece first. Sorry, kids. There’s a pecking order <3 As the only girl in SLAM, Lydia enjoyed a different life than the boys. I shared a room with Steve and Mark. Lydia, on the other hand, […]
My adult years looked a lot more like a roller coaster than a smooth yacht ride; prone to extreme ups and downs. During my 20’s, I had a hard time finding a place that felt like home. Ohio was too full of memories that I didn’t want to process. So, I left to build a […]
Once upon an average morn An average boy was born for the second time Prone upon the altar there He whispered up the prayer he’d kept hid inside A lot of things changed after Dad passed away. I found myself included in the bucket of young men who faced life without the guidance of a […]
For a king or queen, battles are fought on the battlefield by knights in shining armor; riding gallantly to protect the honor of their crest. In the Plaat family, our battles were fought (and won) around our dining room table. As a homeschooled family, we’d often receive questions from other parents about how our school […]