Aaron Plaat

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“Good morning, Sister J. It’s a beautiful day today.” “Every day is a beautiful day, Aaron.” With the holiday season upon us, I’ve spent a lot of time reflecting on the simple conversations I shared with Sister J on our bench at Lake Merritt. These days, those conversations seem like a vacation from the state […]

This afternoon, I had the opportunity to go grocery shopping with my older sister, Lydia. Strolling through the aisles of Aldi and in utter astonishment at the low prices (You’re not in SF anymore, Dorothy) we shared a great conversation and were able to share some of the things going on in our lives. One thing I’ve […]

Hey Dr. Seuss Hope you’re having a swell day Today feels a bit broken I wondered what you’d say The cat in the hat appeared With a smile on his face “Kid, let me show you how To waltz through this place Life’s a little dance Just learn to hear the notes Soon you’ll be […]

Several years ago, I was saddened to hear news of the passing (link) of a man who taught me a great deal about life; Mr. Anderson, co-owner of “The Masters Touch” hair salon in Columbus, OH. Ed’s chair wasn’t just his occupation – it was his ministry. I remember all of the times where he meticulously […]

One of the most beautiful transformations to occur in nature is the morphing of the caterpillar into a butterfly. The transformative process is known as “chrysalis”. During the chrysalis process, something incredible happens inside of the cocoon; the entire body of the caterpillar transforms into liquid before reassembling itself as an emerging butterfly, which can take between […]

In a diversion from my usual ramblings, this blog is intended to give a small snapshot into the mind of a creator. My entire life, I’ve loved creating things purely for the love of seeing something emerge from the nothingness. Artists, creators, etc. have all been blessed with a gift – and a curse – at the […]

It seems like the world is going crazy these days. Truth has been replaced with alternative facts, children manufacture $350 basketball shoes, and a cup of coffee goes for fourbucks these days. America has children in cages at its borders, and drops thousands of bombs on other countries every single year in the name of […]

“Aaron, always use the right tool for the job.” Wisdom from my Dad, harshly given after I broke one of his tools – using it for some other purpose than it was designed for. Unfortunately, it wasn’t the only time he gave me this bit of advice, nor the last time I broke one of […]

It’s been nearly a decade since I packed my life into the trunk of my BMW and set course for the west coast. California, baby. It called me. I answered. We danced. Boy, did we dance… Eight years, four states, and fourteen countries later, I returned home to Columbus, OH. The final leg of the […]

There’s a saying that ‘diamonds are forever’ originally propagated by a James Bond film. My own variation of this phrase says “pressure makes the diamond” to indicate the type of force, trauma, and time required to make a stone that will last a lifetime. On a side note, I think there’s absolutely nothing special about […]

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