Aaron Plaat

Author Archives


Earlier this year, I found myself sitting at Rodeo Goat in Fort Worth, TX, with a good friend of mine, Michael Jackson. We were enjoying a round of burgers and beers before going to the Alice Cooper show that evening. Looking at the tickets, I read them aloud to Michael: ”Ace Frehley and Alice Cooper. Who’s Ace […]

This morning, I finished The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis. A book about Heaven and Hell, the author takes us through a dream where he is taken to Heaven. In my 34 years, this book most closely resembles my own interpretation of the ‘afterlife’ – which weaves itself into each day we experience as human beings. The author […]

“Aaron, you’re too much.” I remember hearing those words, poured like a poison into my ears. They stung me in the kind of way that my soul felt like it had been exposed, vulnerable and trampled for being willing to show itself. Those words are the kind that make somebody shutter themselves in for the […]

When I was a young boy, I never really knew what I wanted to be when I ‘grew up’, because I wanted to be everything. Let loose to explore the Columbus Metropolitan Library as a child, I found endless books and magazines that showed me the world at its best. I’m deeply appreciative to my parents, […]

Sometimes I look around at my life and wonder how things got to be the way they did. My life has been an extraordinary collage of experiences, travel, opportunities and authentic connections all over the world. It’s been a really wonderful journey. I’ll admit, sometimes it has been hard to see the dots as they […]

I remember years when I had big dreams and ambitions for my life. There was once a time where I craved more from life and pursued it with a relentless passion. Then you get older, and you find yourself somehow taking longer to go through the moments. You find yourself appreciating how good it feels […]

It’s been a while since I’ve penned a blog. Usually when time goes by without an entry, a lot is going on in my life. Well, that’s most certainly the case. In the last few weeks, a lot has changed in my world. I’ve become a father, published a book, learned a few hard lessons […]

Earlier this week, I was listening to one of my favorite artists, TobyMac, who I’ve listened to since I was ten years old. “Twenty One” played, and I realized there was more to the song than his usual work. A quick online search showed his son, Truett, had passed away from a drug overdose. Truett, […]

“I have heard there are troubles of more than one kind. Some come from ahead and some come from behind. But I’ve bought a big bat. I’m all ready you see. Now my troubles are going to have troubles with me!” This morning, I was reading through one of my favorite books; Wild at Heart, by […]

When I first started my entrepreneurial journey, I bought a used copy of Oh, The Places You’ll Go! by Dr. Seuss. I’m thankful it was a used copy. When I cracked it open, I saw a beautiful letter written to the prior owner. It seemed the book was a gift for a dear friend who was […]

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