Aaron Plaat

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In my career, I’ve had an incredible journey to get to the point where I’m at today. I remember a lot of sleepless nights spent working on projects. Often, the lack of sleep was correlated to my own lack of experience in doing whatever project I was working on. I made it a point to […]

I’ve been practicing “Welcome to the Jungle” by Guns N’ Roses for over a year now. This morning, I finally hit a milestone that I’ve been wanting to achieve ever since I started playing; playing the opening riff without looking down at the guitar. Having finally attained that goal, I realized something about playing guitar. Part of […]

Throughout the years, I’ve listened to TobyMac – acclaimed musical artist and rapper. Toby was the inspiration behind the name of my business, after I first heard “Tripleskinny” on his Momentum album. Three shots of energy – none of the fat…three shots of agency – none of the fat… Beginning from Momentum, Toby made it a point to […]

Few people look back and read my blogs. Fewer still read them as much as I do. They’re a way to look back at the years and see the way life has changed, with me holding along for the ride. I hope someday I’ll look back at this blog and slap myself on the back […]

This afternoon, I had the opportunity to sit and meet with one of the greatest bodybuilders of all time – Ronnie Coleman, 8x Mr. Olympia champion. I met with him to discuss a project I’ve been working on over the last few years (Trident Motorcycles) and it was an incredible opportunity to sit with him, […]

This week, I remember falling asleep with Atlas in my arms. Holding him closely, I had a thought hit me that halted me. “Did my Dad love me the way I love Atlas?” I thought. I thought of the way I love Atlas, and how much I adore everything about him, watching him grow up, […]

2022 was one helluva year, to say the least. A lot of incredible things happened in my life, as well as some things that were less-than incredible. Looking back at the year, I think it was one of the most pivotal and important years I’ve had as a hue-man being. In a lot of ways, […]

For Atlas I love you more than I know how to say I love you more, each and every day I love you more than diamonds and gold I love you more than any hand I could hold I love you more than walks in the park I love you more than cuddling in the […]

“I could tell you my adventures—beginning from this morning,” said Alice a little timidly; “but it’s no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.”   I’ve been writing the above quote for as long as I can remember blogging. More than ever, I feel like I finally understand the meaning […]

Years ago, I remember hearing a story from a good friend of mine. He told me the tale of “Sheepdogs and Wolves” which was originally told via an online essay. The summary of the tale is that there are three types of people in the world; sheep, wolves who prey on the sheep and sheepdogs […]

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