Aaron Plaat

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Recently, I added a new tattoo to my collection. Made with love and expertly itched into my skin, I was thrilled to get my first tattoo with a rotary gun – nearly silent, compared to the traditional buzz of a tattoo machine. Sitting in the studio, I looked at the walls, which were covered in […]

Recently, there was a couple driving through a city on vacation. They were leisurely driving along when suddenly, their car rear ended the car driving in front of them, which abruptly stopped in the middle of traffic. As most would do in this scenario, they pulled to the side of the road and got out […]

One of my favorite reads is Marcus Aurelius’ Meditations, a collection of his personal thoughts, observations and experiences in life. There’s a part of me that wonders how Aurelius would view the world we live in today. What would he have to say about the way society conducts itself now? When you read his thoughts, you can […]

When I was younger, I remember the huge piles of books my Dad would lug home from the Columbus Metropolitan Library. During those times, people would publish (and read) books to learn new skills – something that now seems archaic and dated in comparison to the Coursera’s in the world now. I won’t ever forget […]

There’s a saying, “what man builds a tower, without first considering the cost to finish it?” – the saying is really applicable to the first part of my career. Back in my 20’s, I built a literal tower, soaring over 100 feet in the sky, without having a single customer to buy the services I […]

It’s usually around this time in the morning that I find an intersection of space and time, person and place. Not many people enjoy working during the late hours of the night. My Dad did. It’s during these times that I tend to think of him a lot, as if I can feel his presence […]

“Imposter syndrome” is the feeling of being discovered for being a fraud, or somehow not qualified to do the job you have. Despite being fully qualified, many suffer silently from imposter syndrome while performing their occupations. As an entrepreneur, imposter syndrome comes in different shapes and sizes. I battled it for many years before learning […]

The older I get, the more I look back on my life and see different chapters and seasons I went through. I often find myself flipping through these memories and find them fresh in my mind as I close my eyes and go back to revisit that intersection of time and place. I’m transported back […]

I’ve spent my entire career helping others build their businesses, with skills and practices I learned while using the internet. I’ve hand-held multiple individuals as they went from being penniless to (not-overnight) millionaires with successful businesses. In many ways, I’m proud of the few people I’ve helped take to the next level in life. Now, […]

As a parent, I often think about the responsibility I have to be a Dad. I think parenting is one of those things that often feels like a battle between the mindset of “having to do” certain things versus “getting to” do those same things. I recently chatted with my ‘little’ brother about what it […]

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