Aaron Plaat

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“Give me liberty, or give me death!” A man once wrote those words. Patrick Henry, one of the Founding Father’s of our country (that name would be cancelled today) who helped give birth to what is the United States of America. It is one thing to be united, while another thing to be free. In […]

Today, I had the opportunity to sit and chat with Atlas’s grandparents about life – before and after being a parent. The conversation made me reflect on my own journey as a man, father and son. There’s a phrase I’ve heard often, which goes something like this: ”I run the race in front of me […]

“With these words, I drop my pebble into the eternal pond of time.” With over a year spent learning the electric guitar, I’ve picked up a few things that have made me think differently about the world of music. There’s something unique and powerful about the way music theory and composition works, as well as […]

For the last few weeks, I’ve been mindful of the home, possessions and lifestyle that I have. Each one of these things brings me a great deal of satisfaction, which is rooted in a sense of gratitude for the way I’ve been able to pull it all off. For most of my career, I’ve felt […]

As an adult, I run into a lot of people who have little to no recollection of their young childhood years. It seems like most people start to recollect life beginning from the age of preschool. That wasn’t the case with me. Some of my memories go back to the point where I was just […]

Today, I put my underwear on by myself. On most days, that wouldn’t seem significant. However, it was a sign of victory for me after a recent series of painful back spasms. For years, I’ve battled the occasional back spasm; a lightning-hot flash of pain that usually drops me to my hands and knees in […]

In my adult years, I started to understand the impact that traumatic situations can have on people. Sparked mostly through conversations with my older brother who had done a deep dive into the subject matter, I kept hearing a word over and over again; disregulated. When you go scuba diving, you probably aren’t thinking about […]

Nearly 20 years ago, I remember waking up one morning and deciding to do a large amount of garage/yard work. While my parents hadn’t asked me to do so, I was responsible for the lawn care at our family home, and I took the job seriously because it gave me a sense of satisfaction to […]

When you lose somebody you love, every memory you have of that person somehow crystallizes and remains etched in you permanently. Loss is hard, particularly when it’s somebody you were close to, or a parent. I think a lot of people lose their parents at a very young age, and bury them when they’re older. […]

As a child, I grew up in a household full of computers, thanks to my Dad’s occupation as an IT consultant. There were few people who understood computers the way Wim Plaat did. Dad, he looked at technology in similar ways others look at sports teams; he studied their every move, trends, competition and playing […]

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