

When I was little, I remember my Dad used to have a phrase he repeated frequently. I never understood what he meant until I grew up and got a firsthand look at the world around me.

”Nobody ever lost money underestimating the stupidity of the American people.” – Wim Plaat

One of the reasons why people are often referred to as sheep is that sheep are notorious followers. If you have a line of sheep running through a thin tunnel and you place a stick in their way, they’ll jump over the stick as they run through.

If you take the stick away, they continue to jump…because the butt in front of them jumped.

With the world still reeling from the planned destruction and re-consolidation of wealth during the last few years, I think we now have a really clear picture of what happens when masses of people blindly follow orders and advice from their television sets; sponsored by your favorite pharmaceutical companies.

See, this world is strictly about one thing; money.

The almighty dollar. Dough. Bucks. Dinero. Stacks, racks and dolla billz.

People will do anything to make or save money, as China is now experiencing after being the recipient of a typhoon.

Any city will flood when the sewer grates are fake (3:38 in the video – LINK).

How did it happen in a place like China? Well, corruption is so rampant and overgrown in the country that developers often have no money left for the actual construction of their projects after raising their funds from investors or banks. As a result, they cut corners in the building materials resulting in tens of thousands failed buildings, bridges, roads and metropolitan construction projects which are literally falling to the ground.

You can’t build a building with fake steel, it seems (3:37)

China is a country that is suffering because its people have done little to stop or protest the rampant arm of their government. Now, they are paying a price.

It’s very easy to think that “this can’t happen here.” However, I think that we’re seeing a very clear takeover of the United States by the corporations that have run the since our inception as a country.

Follow the money.

Hospitals received $35,000 for every patient they put on a ventilator during the last few years. How many people were placed on these machines without reason, and died as a result? More than the media wants you to know.

What’s the lifetime value to a pharmaceutical company for an individual that goes through gender assignment surgery and hormone treatment? About $1,000,000.

Still think this is about protecting the lives of kids? I’m doubtful.

People need to talk about these things in a peaceful way. However, I’ve rarely found it possible to have peaceful discussions with people who have different points of view than I have – because there’s a level of hostility that happens these days when somebody sees you as a threat to their own world view.

We need to have discussions where people don’t agree. In fact, that’s one of the fundamental principles of having a free society. If people aren’t allowed to have disagreements, free choice or public forums where these ideas can be discussed freely – then it’s a great sign that you no longer live in a free country, but one that is starting to look, act and spend its money the same way as our red neighbor across the pond.

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